Learn Throughout Life: Why and How Inaugural lecture Arne Carlsen, Professor (Hon), Dr.h.c.mult. Director UIL Third World Forum for Lifelong Learning Marrakech.


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Presentation transcript:

Learn Throughout Life: Why and How Inaugural lecture Arne Carlsen, Professor (Hon), Dr.h.c.mult. Director UIL Third World Forum for Lifelong Learning Marrakech

Inventing the future - Creating the future we want Peace, Sustainability and Inclusion – Lifelong Learning Holistic approach to education and learning 31 October 2012 Learning Throughout Life - Why and How?

Some Challenges -Poverty -Conflicts -Disasters -(Un)employment -Demography -Science and Technology -Health -ICT 31 October 2012 Learning Throughout Life - Why and How?

UNESCO 2012 Education for All Global Monitoring Report 31 October 2012 Learning Throughout Life - Why and How?

Youth and adult unemployment rates by region 31 October 2012 Learning Throughout Life - Why and How?

Youth and adult unemployment rates by selected countries 31 October 2012 Learning Throughout Life - Why and How?

Youth Unemployment 31 October 2012 Learning Throughout Life - Why and How?

Youth Unemployment NEET: Not in Education, Employment or Training. 31 October 2012 Learning Throughout Life - Why and How?

Ageing Societies Learning Throughout Life - Why and How? 31 October 2012 Source: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs / Population Division, World Population Ageing, 2009.

ICT users 31 October 2012 Learning Throughout Life - Why and How?

31 October 2012 Learning Throughout Life - Why and How? Source, UNESCO, 2012 GMR

Competences and skills needed in the 21 st century Foundation skills Transferable skills Technical and vocational skills 31 October 2012 Learning Throughout Life - Why and How?

Literacy 31 October 2012 Learning Throughout Life - Why and How?

Transferable skills Ability to solve problems Giving more than one answer to a question Thinking critically Communicating ideas and information effectively, being creative, etc 31 October 2012 Learning Throughout Life - Why and How?

Technical and vocational skills Specific technical expertise. 31 October 2012 Learning Throughout Life - Why and How?

Pathways to skills 31 October 2012 Learning Throughout Life - Why and How? Source: UNESCO, 2012, EFA Global Monitoring Report

Framework Development of 21 st century competences based on lifelong learning, developed by the Ministry of Education in Singapore. 31 October 2012 Learning Throughout Life - Why and How? Source:

LLL All education and learning, formal, non- formal and informal Adult education Continuous education TVET Learning for employability, for social cohesion, for social inclusion, and for personal fulfillment. Learning is a joy, but also a necessity 31 October 2012 Learning Throughout Life - Why and How?

How to develop these skills? Strengthening the link between formal, non- formal and informal learning: Need for recognition, validation and accreditation (RVA). UIL just launched UNESCOs Guidelines for RVA Quality education o Curriculum change o Teacher training 31 October 2012 Learning Throughout Life - Why and How?

Conducive factors - GRALE UIL published the Global Report on Adults Learning and Education – GRALE, end of 2012 Monitoring of development of adult education in relation to: Policies Governance Participation Funding Quality 31 October 2012 Learning Throughout Life - Why and How?

Merci pour votre attention 31 October 2012 Learning Throughout Life - Why and How?