1 eASEAN Task Force and eASEAN Business Council by Prof.Dr.Srisakdi Charmonman Chairman of eABC
2 In the year 2005, the number of Internet users in the world is about 1 Billion. The Internet is the most outstanding example of Information Technology (IT), combination of computers and telecommunications.
3 The use of Internet is referred to as “e” for “electronic”. Example, in alphabetical order, eAuction, eBanking, eCommerce, eDocument, eEncyclopedia, eFinance, eGovernment, eHealth, eIndustry, etc.
5 Information Technology (IT) is technology of computers and telecommunications to create, manage and use information. The best example of IT is the Internet. Introduction
6 Searching “Information” from google shows 5,890,000,000 items
7 From Computer Industry Almanac - Number of PC in 2004 = 820 Million - Expected to be 1 Billion in 2007 Introduction (Cont.)
8 From the Internet World Stats - June 2005, Number of world users of Internet = 939 Million * Largest is US = 203 Million * Second largest is China = 103 Million Introduction (Cont.)
9 Countries have been forming regional groups. An example is ASEAN in Asia. Introduction (Cont.)
10 ASEAN Establishment and Memberships The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok. Original 5 member countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines Singapore and Thailand.
11 ASEAN Establishment and Memberships 5 Countries joined later - Brunei Darussalam 8 Jan Vietnam28 July Laos & Myanmar23 July Cambodia30 April 1999
12 ASEAN Establishment and Memberships
13 ASEAN Number of Countries10 Population 500 million Area4.5 million km 2 Gross Domestic ProductUS$ 737 billion Total TradeUS$ 720 billion
14 ASEAN Objectives 1) To accelerate - Economic growth - Social progress - Cultural development 2) To promote regional peace and stability
15 eASEAN Establishment In the year 2000 ASEAN Heads of government signed the eASEAN Framework Agreement. To benefit from the opportunities offered by - The revolution in ICT. - eCommerce.
16 eASEAN Establishment To Spur the development of - Economy - Society - Government
17 eASEAN Objectives To promote co-operation to - Develop - Strengthen - Enhance the competitiveness of the ICT sector in ASEAN. To reduce the digital divide. To liberalise trade and investment in ICT to support the eASEAN initiative.
18 eASEAN 6 Pillars 1. Establish the ASEAN Information Infrastructure. 2. Facilitate growth of eCommerce. 3. Liberalize trade and investments in ICT. 4. Facilitate trade in ICT products and services. 5. Build capacity and an eSociety. 6. Promote the use of ICT applications in the delivery of government services (eGovernment).
19 High-Level eASEAN Task Force (EATF) 2 Members from each country - One Public Sector. - One Private Sector. Mr. Roberto R. Romulo Former Foreign Minister of Philippines was the Chairman. Prof.Dr. Srisakdi Charmonman represented Thailand for the Private Sector.
20 eASEAN Task Force Mandate 1. Develop a broad and comprehensive action plan. 2. Serve as advisory body to ASEAN. 3. Undertake - Review recommendations of the working groups. - Determine policy, legal and regulatory environment. - Recommend policies.
21 eASEAN Task Force Mandate (Cont.) - Identify projects. - Collate a manual on best practices. - Promote the eASEAN to citizens, corporations and governments of ASEAN. - Consider any other matter relating to eASEAN.
22 Selected eAsean Pilot Projects 1. Facilitation of the ASEAN Information Infrastructure 2. Facilitation of e-commerce 3. Capacity Building and e-Society 4. e-Government
23 Samples of eAsean Pilot Projects 1. Facilitation of the eASEAN Information Infrastructure - ASEAN Regional Internet Exchange or ARIX - An infrastructure for exchanging ASEAN Internet traffic (ASEAN Secretariat) - eLearning Community Centers community multimedia centers to be linked with the ASEAN SchoolNet.
24 Samples of eAsean Pilot Projects 2. Facilitation of e-commerce - Knowledge Workers Exchange: ASEAN portal for skilled-labor HRD activities. - Real Estate in Cyberspace: ASEAN marketplace for real-estate trading, information sharing, and collaboration. - WeASEAN.com: a collaborative B2B e-commerce community for ASEAN SME'S. (WeThai Co. Ltd., Thailand).
25 Samples of eAsean Pilot Projects (Cont.) Aggregates and confines all business players as community members : Buyers Sellers Governments Commercial exchanges Vertical marketplaces Service & infrastructure providers
27 Samples of eAsean Pilot Projects Comprehensive information in ASEAN countries. Online applications of various types of visas. Online payment for visas. Online approval of visa applications.
29 Samples of eAsean Pilot Projects Business-to-Business (B2B) marketplace for automobile parts. (General Motors Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines).
31 Samples of eAsean Pilot Projects 3. Capacity Building and e-Society - ASEAN Infonet: an on-going project to build network of library services on-line. - ASEAN SchoolNet: a project to link up ASEAN schools, build computing facilities with broadband capabilities and develop multimedia learning/teaching contents.
32 Samples of eAsean Pilot Projects 4. e-Government - Cyberlaw Training Workshop for legislators, government counsels and judges (University of Philippines, Philippines).
33 eASEAN Business Council
34 eASEAN Business Council June 2003 in Bangkok Special Telecommunications and Information Technology Senior Officials Meeting (TELSOM) recommended the establishment of eABC (eASEAN Business Council) in Singapore TELMIN (ASEAN Telecommunications and IT Ministers) approved eABC to be established by 2004.
35 eASEAN Business Council (Cont.) Objectives of eABC to provide advice and feedback to TELMIN - Application of ICT Technology to enhance the competitiveness of key economic sectors & to narrow the digital divide. - Adoption of industry and technology standards. - Policy and regulatory impediments. and constraints of ICT industry. - Cross border issues impacting the flow of ICT products, services and investments.
36 Activities of eABC Organise - discussion forums - roundtables - events for industry networking and sharing of ideas. Establish linkages with relevant global and regional business forums
37 Composition & Features of eABC Comprise maximum of 3 members from each country. Term of office for each member is 2 years. Chairmanship follow mechanism of TELSOM/TELMIN. Secretariat support provided by members. eABC is expected to be self-funded. Expenditure for travel shall be born by members.
38 eABC (Cont.) Frequency of Meetings shall be determined by eABC. Reporting Mechanism The eABC shall submit its recommendation to the TELMIN annually.
39 e-ABC First Meeting at Assumption University of Thailand August 3, 2004
40 Prof.Dr.Srisakdi Charmonman, e-ABC Chairman
41 Ministerial Roundtable Discussion International Conference on eLearning for Knowledge-Based Society Thursday, 5th August, 2004 at Shangri-La Hotel Moderator : Prof. Dr. Srisakdi Charmonman
42 eABC Ministerial Roundtable Discussion Participants : 1. Brunei: H.E. Pehin Zakaria Sulaiman, Minister 2. Cambodia : H.E. Mr. Lar Narath, Minister 3. Indonesia : Mr. Djamhari Sirat, Representative 4. Laos : H.E. Mr. Buathong Vonglokham, Minister 5. Malaysia : H.E. Dato Seri Dr. Lim Keng Yaik, Minister 6. Philippines : H.E. Mr. Virgilio De Leon Pena, Minister 7. Singapore : H.E. Dr. Boon Yang Lee, Minister
43 eABC Ministerial Roundtable Discussion Participants : 8. Thailand : H.E. Dr. Surapong Suebwonglee, Minister 9. Vietnam : H.E. Mr. Le Nam Thang, Minister 10. ASEAN Secretariat : Mr. Ong Keng Young 11. UNITAR : Datuk Syed Othaman Alhabshi, President 12. World Bank : Mr. Magdi Amin 13. Shin Sat : Dr. Nongluck Pinainitisart 14. Microsoft : Ms. Wanda Miles, Executive Director 15. Tata Consulting : Prof. Kesar Nori, President
44 eABC Ministerial Roundtable Discussion
45 eABC Ministerial Roundtable Discussion
46 eABC Ministerial Roundtable Discussion
47 Inaugural TELMIN-e-ABC Meeting Shangri-La Hotel, Thailand, August 5, 2004 TELMIN Chair : H.E. Dr. Surapong Suebwonglee e-ABC Chair : Prof. Dr. Srisakdi Charmonman 1. Overview by Prof. Dr. Srisakdi Charmonman 2. Infrastructure by Malaysia Delegate
48 Inaugural TELMIN-e-ABC Meeting 3. Cross-accreditation of eLearning Degree by Prof Dr. Srisakdi Charmonman 4. Software Cost by Dr. Sudhiporn Patumtaewapibal 5. Deliberations H.E. Dr. Surapong Suebwonglee, TELMIN Chair and TELMIN members commended e-ABC Chair and members for having done so much in only two meetings.
49 Inaugural TELMIN-e-ABC Meeting Deliberations (Cont.) Prof. Dr. Srisakdi Charmonman, e-ABC Chair thanks TELMIN Chair for his kind words and requested that eABC be invited to join TELSOM (Telecommunication Senior Officials Meeting) to be kept informed of the development to better prepare for the TELMIN meeting next year. The Ministers meet once a year and the officials meet twice a year.
50 Inaugural TELMIN-e-ABC Meeting Deliberations (Cont.) TELMIN extended the invitation as requested. TELMIN agreed with the inportance of cross-accreditation of eLearning and asked Prof. Dr. Srisakdi Charmonman to prepare another report to present to the SUMMIT in about 3 months, with recommendations on 1-2 eLearning programs form each country which should be accredited by TELMIN.
51 Inaugural TELMIN-e-ABC Meeting H.E. Dr. Surapong Suebwonglee TELMIN Chair, and Prof.Dr. Srisakdi Charmonman e-ABC Chair with H.E. the Minister from ASEAN and e-ABC members
52 Inaugural TELMIN-e-ABC Meeting Prof. Dr. Srisakdi Charmonman, e-ABC Chairman with e-ABC Members at the Inaugural TELMIN-e-ABC Meeting
53 A partial list of the activities of the Chairman of eABC is given below: 1. Chaired the first e-ASEAN Business Council meeting held on Tuesday August 3, 2004 at Assumption University, Bangna Campus. 2. Served as the Moderator for the Ministerial Round Table Discussion at Shangri-La Hotel on August 5, 2005.
54 3. Co-Chaired the Inaugural eABC Meeting with the ASEAN Telecommunication Ministers (TELMIN) on August 5, 2005 at Shangri-La Hotel. 4. Creation and maintenance of the web 5. Presented a report from the Chair of eABC at the 3 rd Priority Sector Conference in Singapore, March 8, 2005.
55 6. Presented a paper on “e-ASEAN and eCommerce” at the International Conference on “Best Practices of eGovernment and eCity” at Ipoh, Parak, Malaysia, June 13-16, Chaired the eABC meeting at the Special TELSOM Meeting in Myanmar, July 6, Served as Chairman of the Organizing Committee for “International Conference on eLearning for Knowledge-Based Society” in Bangkok, August 4-7, 2005.
56 9. Serving as Chairman of the Organizing Committee for eIndustry 2005 or International Conference on Computer and Industrial Management, to be held at Assumption University of Thailand, October 29-30, Serving as Chairman of the Organizing Committee for eBusiness 2005 or the International Conference on eBusiness: Digital Lifestyle and the Road Ahead, to be held at Assumption University of Thailand, November 19-20, 2005.
57 Thank you