OCLC Asia Pacific Regional Council ChewLeng Beh,Chair Implementation Committee Report Tuesday, February 10, 2009
OCLC Asia Pacific Regional Council Implementation Committee Members Beh, ChewLeng, National Library Board, Janet, University of Auckland, New Zealand Elliott, Vic, The Australian National University, Australia Hsiang, Jieh, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Kato, Tetsuo, Waseda University, Japan Soong, Samson, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong Xue, Fangyu, Tsinghua University, China
OCLC AP RCIC members, Andrew and Tony at work
Chronology of Events early Nov 2008 mid-Nov 2008 mid-Dec Jan Jan 2009 Chair of OCLC Members Council formally invited appointed delegates to join the Regional Council Implementation Committee (RCIC) Chair of RCIC introduced and explained purpose of RCIC through s 1st framework document drafted by Andrew and circulated for review RCIC met in Hong Kong to finalize framework document Finalized framework document sent to Chair of Members Council
Highlights of OCLC Asia Pacific Regional Council Framework Document Followed fairly close to Members Council draft document Strived for success, inclusiveness, continuity Members of Implementation Committee to form inaugural Executive Committee of Asia Pacific Regional Council until July 1, 2010 Includes Chair, Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect, Council Secretary and 4 other members in Executive Committee 2 Standing Committees: Executive & Nominating Committee At least ONE in-person Regional Council meeting a year Annual budget appropriation from OCLC for running its activities
OCLC Asia Pacific Regional Council Proposed Inaugural Meeting Date: Venue: Host: mid-September 2009 Beijing, China National Library of China (subject to Professor Xue's negotiations with NLC)