The Protest Movement in the 1960s
Today’s Theme… The generation that came of age in the 1960s rejected the conformity of the 1950s and created a counterculture
Reason Generation Gap ‘Greatest Generation’ Fought in WWII (the ‘good’ war) American is great beat the Axis. Stands against Communism. Came of age during the Great Depression work hard and be grateful for what you get Trust the gov’t (“Love it or leave it.”) Conformist Conservative and ‘Leave it to Beaver-ish.” –McCarthyism White Some early sparks of rebellion (Elvis) ‘Baby Boomers’ Vietnam Generation (‘bad’ war?) America isn’t as squeaky clean as we thought when we were growing up. Bullying Vietnam and Cuba? Came of age during ‘golden age’ for teens perhaps a bit spoiled? Gov’t is not so great (oppresses minorities, lies, etc.) A reaction against their parents liberal (sex, drugs, rock ‘n roll) –Birth Control Pill; –LSD (Timothy Leary) Multi-racial
Kennedy and Johnson were symbolic of the new Idealism of the ‘60s JFK’s inaugural address- "My fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country.“ JFK’s New Frontier Johnson’s Great Society Some believe that when Kennedy died, the 60s degenerated into a mess. –Example- many people think that JFK was preparing to pull U.S. military advisors out of Vietnam
HansenName _______________ U.S. History Period _______ The Protest Movement of the 1960s Theme The generation that came of age in the 1960s rejected the conformity of the 1950s and created a ____________,which means ____________________________________________________________________________ Reason Generation Gap ‘Greatest Generation’ Fought in WWII (the _________________) American is great beat ____________. Stands against ________________________. Came of age during the Great Depression ____ _________________________________________ Trust the gov’t (“_______________________ _________________________”) ________________ Conservative and ‘Leave it to Beaver-ish.” –McCarthyism ______________ Some early sparks of rebellion (Elvis) ‘Baby Boomers’ Vietnam Generation (_____________) America isn’t as ______________ as we thought when we were growing up. Bullying ___________ _____________________________? Came of age during ______________________ ___________________ perhaps a bit ________? Gov’t is not so great (________________________, lies, etc.) A reaction ________________________ liberal (sex, ___________, rock ‘n roll) –__________________________; –___________ (Timothy Leary) _____________________________ _______________ and _____________ were symbolic of the new Idealism of the ‘60s JFK’s inaugural address- "My fellow Americans: ask not what your ____________________________________________- ask what you _________________________________________________.“ JFK’s New Frontier Johnson’s Great Society Some believe that when Kennedy died, the 60s ____________________________________________ Example- many people think that JFK was preparing to pull U.S. military advisors ______________________