WATTSTOR Limited Inaugural Shareholders Meeting Friday 10 th October 2014
Agenda 1. Introductions and apologies for absence 2. Annual accounts for the first year ending 30 th June Director’s remuneration 4. Director’s report. Peter Cunningham – Overview Mark Smith – Operations, installations & ZLC interface Rob Such – Product development 5. Office Administration, Sales & Marketing - Michael Danes 6. Funding - Peter Cunningham 7. Public Relations - Richard Best 8. Any Other Business
Introductions and Apologies for absence Annual accounts for the first year ending 30 th June 2014 Director’s remuneration
Director’s Report Peter Cunningham – Overview Overview and the Wattstory so far Trademark update
Office – set up at TIC Recruitment Michael, Operations Manager Tim, Design Engineer Web copywriter contracted Next team member, Administrator Sales & Marketing Activity launched now team resourced Next quarter focus – Sales Installation Branded batteries procured & in stock from China 2 Wattstors installed so far this month, 3 by end of month Cost of sale to date Battery cost reduced Current pricing validated Base cost improved through better procurement Future Cost of sale Detailed evaluation of next installs prior to pricing review Director’s Report Mark Smith – Operations
Wattstor Imp V2 Expect initial prototypes mid November Final prototypes ready for CE marking by end of year Batch of 10 prototypes for field trials early next year Wattstor Inverter/Charger Likely to cost £100,000 BIF application stalled Considering partnership with existing manufacturers Director’s Report Rob Such– Product Development
Patent Wide scope takes 2-3 years Narrow scope within a year Can get Patent Box tax relief Protect our core intellectual property Cost approx. £3,000 for UK patent Additional countries are similar cost each
ADMINISTRATION Office established & furnished Equipped with IT, telecoms All back-office systems and processes are in place All business processes and procedures in place (sales, customer services, technical) Accountancy software installed and day to day bookkeeping processes are in place Management accounts currently being introduced SALES & MARKETING New website under construction New sales brochure being designed Monthly newsletter ready for introduction Currently identifying trade shows and events to attend Actively raising the profile of WATTSTOR through local business networks Customer database has been updated to improve and speed up the delivery of sales Administration, Sales & Marketing– Michael Danes
CUSTOMER DATABASE 220 total subscribers to the website 14% increase (30) new subscribers since recent media articles have appeared in last two weeks 140 (64%) have opened their reply 30% then go on to revisit and investigate the site further Call cycles will be in place and all people on the database will have up to date records enabling regular follow-ups SALES/ & MARKETING PLAN All subscribers to the website will have been contacted by 17 th October either by phone or 2 WATTSTORS installed since the beginning of September 3 surveys completed in the last 2 weeks. 2 additional surveys booked in. Targeting 10 per week by the end of November Targeting a conversion rate of 20% from survey to install Sales activity to be reinforced by arrival of the new website and improved sales literature Marketing events planned Administration, Sales & Marketing– Michael Danes
First round funding update SEIS scheme – forms completed & returned to HMRC All shareholder updates submitted to Companies House Share certificates Shareholder agreements Proposal for second round funding Funding - Peter Cunningham
PR Achievements – Richard Best
News Press
Digital news media
Magazine feature
Award entries Radio/BBC aware News – as it happens Could YOU be the next case study? PR – Richard Best
Agreement of a Shareholder Representative Dates of meetings for next year Any Other Business