Update to RMS May 5, 2015 ERCOT Retail Market Training Task Force Co-Chairs: Deborah McKeever, Oncor Tomas Fernandez, NRG Energy Sheri Wiegand, TXU Energy
2 Background In 2014, retail market participants identified the need to establish additional retail market training RMS, with the approval of TAC, created the Retail Market Training Task Force (RMTTF) RMTTF, in collaboration with ERCOT, TDSPs, and REPs, will facilitate the training needs for the retail segment RMTTF will continue indefinitely until the time RMS approves to sunset the task force Retail Market Training Task ForceMay 5, 2015
3 Inaugural Meeting The RMTTF held their inaugural meeting on April 15, 2015 (26 market participants) with the following agenda items: Develop Draft Scope Statement – RMS Vote! Develop List of training opportunities and discuss possibilities for classroom sessions and/or online training Update from ERCOT on their training plans Retail Market Training Task ForceMay 5, 2015
4 Draft Scope Statement RMS Vote! The RMTTF proposes the following draft scope statement: The Retail Market Training Task Force, reporting to RMS, is responsible for coordinating the development and maintenance of Retail Market training materials for ERCOT Market Participants. Retail Market Training Task ForceMay 5, 2015
5 Training Opportunities The team reviewed a list of past and future training initiatives to discuss the needs of the retail market segment. RMTTF invites all Market Participants for their feedback on the list of suggested topics shown on the following slides. The team also prioritized where initial efforts should be placed to meet the needs of the retail market segment. Retail Market Training Task ForceMay 5, 2015
6 Training Opportunities Priority One: Retail Market 101 Training (New and Improved Edition) –Reviewed training materials from ERCOT’s Retail Market 101 dated 4/25/2013 –Determine what is valuable –Determine what topics are desired to be covered –Create a generalized list of subject matter –Leverage Retail Market Training decks used for the OPUC/PUC Staff training Retail Market Training Task ForceMay 5, 2015
7 Other Training Opportunities Texas SET Transactions Training 101 Texas SET Future Release(s) Standard Documentation/Template Objectives – What processes will change? What will be impacted? MarkeTrak 101 Training Inadvertent Gain Training MarkeTrak Future System Enhancements Standard Documentation/Template Objectives Retail Market Training Task ForceMay 5, 2015
8 Other Training Opportunities Smart Meter Texas 101 Training Smart Meter Texas 3rd Party Access and System Enhancements Standard Documentation/Template Objectives Current Market Processessuch as Switch Holds- Payment and Tampering Disconnect/Reconnect for non-payment Tariff changes, etc. Retail Market Flight Testing New Market Processes Standard Documentation/Template Objectives Retail Market Training Task ForceMay 5, 2015
9 ERCOT’s Training Plans Ted Hailu and Bill Kettlewell discussed ERCOT’s plan for support of RMTTF and provided an update on ERCOT Training activities in progress: Collaborative efforts with RMS and RMTTF Supporting on-line training for selective training opportunities where appropriate Supporting classroom training, including leading efforts, when possible and appropriate Learning Management System support for registration of training sessions Providing market notices and postings for training opportunities Retail Market Training Task ForceMay 5, 2015
10 ERCOT’s Training Plans – cont. Ted Hailu and Bill Kettlewell discussed ERCOT’s plan for support of RMTTF and provided an update on ERCOT Training activities in progress - continued: Web-based version of Retail 101 Development stages Next meeting: ERCOT and RMTTF will “trade notes” on materials prepared to determine topics to be included MarkeTrak web-based training Development stages MarkeTrak User’s Guide is serving as framework for the training Retail Market Training Task ForceMay 5, 2015
RMTTF & ERCOT will be reviewing Retail Market 101 Training topics and material Wednesday, May 20, :30 to Noon ERCOT Met Center, Room 168 Next Meeting Date Please plan to attend!!
12 Retail Market Training Task ForceMay 5, 2015 Questions