The Futures of the Community College Creating Our Possible Tomorrows, Today Michigan Community College Annual Data Workshop August 8 th, 2014
The future is not predictable, but we do have the ability to anticipate and shape it if we watch for changes on the horizon.
In order to be open to change one must “suspend disbelief”
Environmental Scanning Information presents community colleges with opportunities and challenges by looking at the forces of change outside of the walls of the college.
Community College Trends 1.Increasing use technology 2.Expanded learning environment (at home, industry, school) 3.Increasing numbers of underprepared students 4.Widening group of haves and have nots (in U.S., globally) 5.Increasing need for cooperation at all levels of education, business, and government 6.Increasing loss in high paying jobs
Community College Trends 7.Increasing need for alternative systems of instructional delivery, scheduling, distance learning 8.Declining resources for community college education 9.Increasing diversity of the student population on campus 10.Changing public expectations 11.Increasing questioning of the value of community colleges 12.Increasing community college "boundaries"
Critical Trends and Events Affecting Community Colleges Proceedings of a Beyond 2000 Preconference Workshop Beyond 2000: Visioning the Future of Community Colleges The 1995 Inaugural Futures Assembly February 26-28, 1995 Orlando, Florida
Factors that Frame the Future Resources Technology Demographics Governance
Financial Federal, State, and Local Funding Tuition and Fees Grants Alumni and Donors Human Capital Faculty Staff Students
Resources Students Opportunity Nation has created an Opportunity Index using indicators for: Opportunity Nation Opportunity Index Economy Education Community Health and Civic Life Michigan Ranks 35 th in the Nation
Resources Students Community Health and Civic Life Indicator: Youth Not in School and Not Working (% of Y.O. Labeled: Disconnected Youth Michigan % of youth not in school and not working = 15.4% (National Avg. 14.6%)
Resources Disconnected Youth ARE Potential Students In Michigan there are approximately 200,000 disconnected youth If each community college enrolled an equal number of disconnected youth, each college would experience an increase in enrollment of over 7,000 students
Resources Enrolling Disconnected Youth presents MI community colleges with huge opportunities, but also a huge challenges.
Information is a commodity Learning is not a commodity In the next 10 years Information Technology will change education as we know it
Technology How fast is the Internet growing?
Technology Smartphones to Wearable Technology SmartphonesWearable Technology BYOD Virtual Reality Crowd Sourcing Social Networking to Social Learning DIY Learning The Ed Punks’ Guide
DIY Statistics
Michigan Population Between 2009 and 2014 The State lost 100,573 residents Those residents 0 to 24 years old declined by 162,177 Those aged 15 to 19 declined by almost 74,000 residents Those residents 25 to 64 years old declined by only 95,532 Those aged 55 to 64 increased by 156,219
Michigan Population 2014 The State’s Population has increased slowly over the last 2 years.State’s Population Those residents 0 to 24 years old make up 32% of the population Those residents 25 to 64 years old make up 52% of the population
Michigan’s Population Implications Traditionally-aged students will continue to be scarce Exacerbates enrollment decline Opportunities exist in recruiting non-traditional aged students Unemployed and Underemployed Skills upgrade and retraining Second and Third Careers
A Brief, but Important Word About Michigan’s Employment Picture
Michigan Jobs ,011 Jobs Lost
Regulates and provides for a smooth integration of technological and policy change Bottleneck to change, slowing and sometimes stalling the impact new technologies or policies Federal, State, and Local Government Accrediting Agencies CC Board of Trustees
Governance Responsible for: Public and College Policy Accountability Agenda And Issues such as: The proper use of technology in education Liberal Arts vs Workforce Education Credit vs Non-Credit courses and program The value of a college education
The Problem with College for Everyone How does the public define “college”?
The Problem with “College” for Everyone Most jobs needed in the next 10 years will Not need a college degree… When the media writes about “College”, they usually mean a 4 to 6 year degree called the Bachelor’s Degree Liberal Arts High Tuition Costs High Student Loan Debt Lack of an Employable Skill Poor Job prospects
…But will need some college or an Associates Degree The Problem with “College” for Everyone Registered nurses Secretaries and administrative assistants, except legal, medical, and executive Bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks Medical secretaries Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses First-line supervisors of office and administrative support workers Medical assistants Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing, except technical and scientific products Nursing Assistants
The Problem with “College” for Everyone Community Colleges must Distinguish themselves as the “College” that: Prepares Students for the Workplace Curriculum Aligned with the Community’s Workforce Certificates of Completion Stackable Credentials Internships Prepares Students to Transfer into Degree Programs at 4-yr Institutions with the Promise of Employment STEM Fields Or Both
With Greater Recognition and Funding (Power), Comes Great Responsibility Community Colleges have enjoyed great press and opportunities for additional funding since the end of the Great Recession.
Michigan Community Colleges have Great Opportunities and Challenges as they Face the Future, However, Each College has the Opportunity to Create its Own Future or Futures.
Contact Mark Champion, Information Analyst Institutional Research and Planning Grand Rapids Community College Grand Rapids, Michigan