1 Member Companies US-China Energy Cooperation Program (ECP) is the commercial implementing arm of US-China clean energy collaboration ECP is uniquely recognized and supported by both the US and Chinese governments. During their respective state visits in 2009 and 2011, US President Barack Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao underscored ECP’s vital role in bilateral clean energy cooperation US government agencies - Department of Commerce (DOC), Department of Energy (DOE) and the US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA)—and Chinese government agencies— National Energy Administration (NEA) and Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) signed bilateral MOUs in support of ECP. ECP Overview Founding Member General Member
2 ECP Economic Indictors (1),(2) “The U.S.-China Energy Cooperation Program has already taken real steps that have produced a real difference…The innovations that we have developed through the energy cooperation program are the kind of critical immediate innovations that are going to make us take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity that is staring us in the face.” -US State Secretary John Kerry ECP Economic Indictors “Energy cooperation should be “a shining point of US-China relations” - State Councilor Yang Jiechi Source: (1)Based on the publicly available 2012 data of the 2013 ECP memberships. (2)Jobs refer to global employees of ECP members Member Companies Being FORTUNE 500 Companies or Industry Leading Players Annual Revenue Generated By ECP Members Employees of ECP Members
3 Mission: Transform the US and China’s ‘traditional energy’ way of life by generating sustained clean energy business and economic growth -US↔China FDI -Market Access & Sector Development -Job Creation -IPR Protection ECP Work Scope leverage resources to achieve business development objectives pilot sector-based business models transform and expand existing markets Develop, Penetrate and Expand Clean Energy Markets in the US & China Objective Deliverable Value-add influence market standards-, regulation- and policy-setting create and grow new markets build channels to new customer bases foster sector-based commercial partnerships facilitate technology deployment and investment secure commercial projects through the platform commercialize game- changing sector-based business development initiatives create public-private channels to support positive conflict resolution provide high-level positive exposure for sector-based business development activities ECP Work Scope
Each working group is designed and built around China’s strategic energy development plan, and includes a good number of member companies, headed by one or two co-chairs -CC: Clean Coal -CTF: Clean Transport & Fuel -DECHP: Decentralized Energy and Combined Cooling, Heat & Power -EFBD: Energy Efficient Building & Design -EFI: Energy Finance & Investment -IEE: Industry Energy Efficiency -NP: Nuclear Power -RE: Renewable Energy -SG: Smart Grid -SHG: Shale Gas ECP Support China’s Energy Development Objectives ECP Support Through Working Groups (1) Source: (1) National Energy Administration of the People’s Republic of China 4
5 Clean Transportation and Fuel 5 Strategy & Development Study commissioned at 2011 US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue to support NEA policy development on aviation biofuel industry. Biofuel Inaugural Flight demonstration successfully completed on October 28, Boeing Micro-Algae Research with CAS Qingdao research institute started May Honeywell UOP-PetroChina Renewable Jet Fuel Project Feasibility study completed in First China Renewable Jet Unit will be installed starting Roadmap, Policy Suggestions Validate and Demonstrate Regional Supply Accelerate, Expand Scale Establish China’s Sustainable Aviation Biofuel Industry Strategy & Development Study Inaugural Flight Boeing Micro-Algae Research
Industrial Energy Efficiency 6 Gas fermentation technology captures CO-rich gases and converts the carbon to fuels and chemicals LanzaTech joint ventures with BaoSteel and ShouGang Use LanzaTech technology to produce fuel ethanol from steel mill off-gases 2013: -Total plant runtime: 100+ days -Successful product recovery of ethanol to 99.8% purity -Technology ready to scale to commercial post successful completion of technology milestones at both BaoSteel and ShouGang sites
7 Financing & Investment 7 Three Chinese Banks Joined Duke Energy’s $ 6 Billion Credit Facility Agreement Objective: -Build a sustainable exchange mechanism to promote mutual trust and understanding amongst US and Chinese companies, related government bodies, community stakeholders and other interests groups -Provide decision-making tools for Chinese executives on investment in the US as well as collaborating with US partners on investment in third markets China US FDI Engagement Process In November 2011, Duke Energy signed a $6 billion, five-year credit agreement with 30 financial institutions around the world. 11% of the credit ($ 676 million) is collectively provided by three Chinese banks, which is the highest level of participation a U.S. company has been able to recruit from Chinese banks. -Bank of China (Agent Level, Top Tier) -Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Agent Level, Top Tier) -China Merchants Bank Source: Duke Energy
ECP Executive Committee Exercises operational oversight of ECP Peng Ningke Vice President, Dow Chemical Greater China Co-Chair, ECP Executive Committee Will Latta Managing Director, LP Amina Co-Chair, ECP Executive Committee Shi Zhenchun Asia President, Peabody Member, ECP Executive Committee Tim Collier Vice President and China Managing Director, Westinghouse Member, ECP Executive Committee