Effective Marketplace Evangelism Danny Yamashiro School of Evangelism A Program of Danny Yamashiro Ministries Division of Jesus Christ Is Calling You,


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Presentation transcript:

Effective Marketplace Evangelism Danny Yamashiro School of Evangelism A Program of Danny Yamashiro Ministries Division of Jesus Christ Is Calling You, Inc

Objectives of Reaching The Marketplace Generation Copyright © 2014 Danny Yamashiro School of Evangelism 1.To UNDERSTAND two biblical models for marketplace evangelism 2.To KNOW three basic principles for marketplace evangelism 3.To FEEL motivated to apply five lessons in marketplace evangelism 4.To PLAN an approach to execute for marketplace evangelism 5.To DO evangelism in the marketplace

Reaching the Marketplace Generation Part One: Biblical Models for Marketplace Evangelism Danny Yamashiro School of Evangelism

Biblical Models for Marketplace Evangelism Copyright © 2014 Danny Yamashiro School of Evangelism JESUS’ Model (he called men from the marketplace) 1) a fisherman/trades people (Peter, James, John, Andrew) 2) a government worker – tax collector (Matthew) 3) a bookkeeper (Judas) 4) a militant nationalist (Simon the Zealot), 5) a building contractor with a law degree - who was also ordained (Paul), 6) a medical doctor and historian (Luke)… PAUL’S Model (derived from the direction of Jesus – Acts 23) started in the marketplace with such connections (Lydia, Aquila & Priscilla, etc.), built spiritual base, expanded…

Reaching the Marketplace Generation Part Two: Strategic Principles for Marketplace Evangelism Danny Yamashiro School of Evangelism

Strategic Principles for Marketplace Evangelism Copyright © 2014 Danny Yamashiro School of Evangelism Principle #1: ACKNOWLEDGE that God has you in the marketplace to do EVANGELISM “Go into ALL the world…” Mark 16:15; “Go…and make disciples of ALL the nations…” Matthew 28:19 Principle #2: ADAPTABILITY in evangelism requires CULTURAL AND SOCIAL ENRICHMENT outside of normal “church life” “Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.” 1 Corinthians 9:19-22

Strategic Principles for Marketplace Evangelism Copyright © 2014 Danny Yamashiro School of Evangelism Principle #3: AIM to evangelize the person at the HIGHEST LEVEL of influence (Go for the “Kings” or top leaders at your work place and in society) Paul (in Caesarea) appealed to Governor Felix (Acts 24) - Paul waited 2 years and succeeded by – Governor (Porcius) Festus (Acts 25:1-12), King Agrippa – and Bernice (Acts 25:12-22) – Paul shares his TESTIMONY, the Augustus’ or Emperor Caesar – Nero Jesus went to the highest too (Pilate) and witnessed of himself and also Herod (Luke 23:1-15)

Reaching the Marketplace Generation Part Three: Practical Applications for Marketplace Evangelism Danny Yamashiro School of Evangelism

Practical Applications for Marketplace Evangelism Copyright © 2014 Danny Yamashiro School of Evangelism Application #1: Pray for INFLUENCE so that you can lead people in the marketplace to Christ “Then Agrippa said to Paul, ‘Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to become a Christian?’” Acts 26:28 Paul replied, "Short time or long--I pray God that not only you but all who are listening to me today may become what I am, except for these chains." Acts 26:29 Application #2: Position yourself to gain ACCESS in the lives of influential people “Paul then stood up at the meeting of the Areopagus and said, “Men of Athens! I see that in every way you are religious.” Acts 17:22

Practical Applications for Marketplace Evangelism Copyright © 2014 Danny Yamashiro School of Evangelism Application #3: Provide thoughtful GIFTS to the people God leads you to reach “A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great.” Proverbs 18:16 Application #4: Prepare yourself to respond to “open doors” of opportunity by being EXCELLENT in what you do “Paul then stood up at the meeting of the Areopagus and said, “Men of Athens! I see that in every way you are religious.” Acts 17:22 Application #5: Use the DOUBLE TEAM approach “Jesus sent them out two by two.” Mark 6:7 “…Jesus appointed seventy-two and sent them out in pairs.” Luke 10:1-3

Reaching the Marketplace Generation Part Four: Reflections & Points of Concern in Marketplace Evangelism Danny Yamashiro School of Evangelism

Reflections & Points of Concern in Marketplace Evangelism 1.You’ll discover you are able to reach more people through the influential person you impact with the Gospel. 2.The more you reach out to people of influence you become less intimidated by them because you relate better with them. 3.Accept that you will experience feelings of intimidation and trust God to help you overcome them. 4.If someone asked you, “What if I ‘turn off’ my co-worker or supervisor in my attempt to do evangelism? How would you answer them? Copyright © 2014 Danny Yamashiro School of Evangelism

Ask Yourself Copyright © 2014 Danny Yamashiro School of Evangelism 1.Which principle stood out most to you in this seminar? Why? 2.Who do you feel the Lord would want you to focus your prayers and efforts toward? 3.What specifically (at least one thing) do you plan to do in order to apply what you learned?

Thank you! More information available at: dannyyamashiro.org Copyright © 2014 Danny Yamashiro School of Evangelism