CSU Kuali LabTraining Welcome to Kuali Lab Training! Lab Training Session for: Kuali Catalog Shopping June 2009
Kuali Catalog Shopping Training Team Members Fran Campana, ACNS John Swaro, Procurement and Contracting Services Patty Cashen, Procurement and Contracting Services
Changes to the CSU Marketplace Access to the CSU Marketplace will be through the Kuali Financial System via the CAP portal. No accounting information will be entered in the CSU Marketplace. Account input will be done in Kuali Financial System. All approval workflow will be done in the Kuali Financial System. New Shipping Address input needed. Only Hosted and PunchOut Catalogs suppliers will be available in the CSU Marketplace. Requisitions and AFE (Disbursement Vouchers) will be entered in the Kuali Financial System.
Logging in to CAP The Shop Catalogs link can be accessed via the Kuali Site through CAP (campus administrative portal). CAP URL: Log in using eName and ePassword
Logging in to CAP Once logged in, click on TRAINING Kuali Financial System (KFS) located in the right column.TRAINING Kuali Financial System (KFS)
Once logged into Kuali, select the Shop Catalogs link within the Transactions Channel
Two types of catalogs to use Hosted Catalogs Vendor supplies CSU with a price file. Search for item and place it on order. Punchout Catalog Punchout Catalog goes directly to the Vendor’s site. Search for item and place it on order.
Ex: Hosted Catalog Search for product Use Quick Search or Advanced Search
Select Item(s) Search was for any item that contains “lab coat” Select the Add to Cart icon
Edit Cart Select the Carts tab to Edit the Cart when finished
Edit Cart Rename Cart with a more meaningful name
Review Cart Make sure the order is correct Make any necessary changes Place Order
Requisition Side of Placed Order Enter Description For Training Purposes today, please insert “test” in the description field. Starting July 1, the Description field will auto populate with the cart name from SciQuest.
Requisition Side of Placed Order Enter Delivery Information
Search for Building Key in Room Number Set as Default Tip: If you start your search with an *, then you are asking the system to search for any building that ends in the text after the *
Insert Funding for Requisition Funding can be inserted at the Header Level or at the Line level. Setup Distribution tab for Header Funding For Training, all funding will be keyed in at the Header Level
Submit Order Once delivery and funding have been added to the requisition, then click on the Submit button at the bottom of the window.