OpenStack Powered April 1, 2015 Driving interoperability through product validation
2 Agenda Overview of Commercial Product Marketing Programs Evolution of “OpenStack Powered” Program New technical requirements How to apply “OpenStack Powered” Launch and Rollout Plans Other topics? Q&A
Commercial Product Marketing Programs Product contains the OpenStack software, such as public clouds, hosted private clouds, distributions or appliances Hardware or software products that work with OpenStack software, such as management or monitoring tools Companies who offer training programs based on OpenStack curriculum
OpenStack Powered Products
Evolution of “OpenStack Powered” Program OpenStack Board DefCore committee has spent the last 18 months defining core set of services for interoperability and consistency in the market This process has resulted in new policy for “OpenStack Powered” technical requirements, which we are introducing this week Major changes include: New Compute, Object Storage & Platform programs with different trademark uses New must-pass API tests and designated sections of code
New OpenStack Powered Programs Program NameRequired CodeTrademark Use (must be approved by Foundation) Product Examples OpenStack Powered Platform Must include all designated sections and pass all capabilities tests Qualifying products may use the OpenStack Powered logo and use the word "OpenStack" in their product name Public cloud, hosted private cloud or distribution OpenStack Powered Compute Must include all compute-specific code and pass all compute- specific capabilities tests Qualifying products may use the OpenStack Powered logo and use the phrase "OpenStack Powered Compute" in their product name Compute cloud or appliance OpenStack Powered Object Storage Must include all object storage-specific code and pass all object storage-specific capabilities tests Qualifying products may use the OpenStack Powered logo and use the phrase "OpenStack Powered Storage" in their product name Object storage cloud or distribution
7 Branding Your OpenStack Powered Product 1.Go to and verify your product meets the interoperability requirements 2.Go to and submit the online form with your product information 3.Run tests described at and submit results to 4.Once test results are validated, OpenStack Foundation will execute license agreement 5.Incorporate commercial logo and wordmark in your product marketing according to guidelines. Coordinate with Foundation staff to amplify your product launch at
8 What if I already have an OpenStack Powered Product? Going forward all new product launches must be licensed under the new agreements, meet new technical requirements & pass tests For existing licensees with qualifying products: 1) Test now so we can add those results to the Marketplace, ideally before the Vancouver Summit 2) Sign updated agreements Our goal is to ensure that all products listed in the Marketplace are tested, with new licenses signed, by end of 2015
9 What does this mean? The goal is to drive interoperability in the market, giving users confidence that commercial products are running a common set of core services This means a consistent, solid and stable platform for applications, which is ultimately our focus We want to educate consumers on the meaning of OpenStack Powered so they seek out the logo and look to the OpenStack Marketplace as the definitive listing of qualifying products
10 Launch & Rollout Plan Right now, we want to educate the community and get new product launches around the Summit into the new program Starting at the Vancouver Summit, we’ll roll this out to the broader market and promote the OpenStack Powered program heavily: Keynote presentation Press release featuring products that have been tested & results in the Marketplace Press & analyst briefings Signage in the physical Marketplace / expo hall
11 Questions? Other Topics or Business?
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