Network TV Scatter vs. Spot TV Cost Comparison A25-54 CPMs Q Q TVB Analysis of SQAD National and Local Market Cost Estimate Data 1 Updated with 3Q 2014 Data
Scatter Network/Spot Variables Quarter Daypart Demo Q-to-Q and Y-to-Y Changes Volatility Political 2
Scatter Network/Spot Consistencies Network TSA Viewers/Spot TV DMA Viewers SQAD 3 rd Party Data Media Market Guide National Report (Issue Date: May 16, 2014) SQAD DATAVue Product Version (Average levels used from March, June, September & December data / final quarter data. Q2 & Q3’14 use May’14 data) 3 SQAD recently undertook an extensive analysis of the CPM and CPP data reported in Media Market Guide-National and found that it did not reflect the current national television marketplace as precisely as they would like. As a result, they felt obligated to revise their data accordingly. In this report, you will find that all of the numbers have been updated.
Early Morning A25-54 CPM — Network Scatter vs. Spot 4
Early News A25-54 CPM — Network Scatter vs. Spot 5
Spot Early Morning vs. Network Early News A25-54 CPM — Network Scatter vs. Spot 6
Primetime A25-54 CPM — Network Scatter vs. Spot 7
Primetime/Prime Access A25-54 CPM — Network Scatter vs. Spot 8
Late Night A25-54 CPM — Network Scatter vs. Spot 9
Late Night/Late News A25-54 CPM — Network Scatter vs. Spot 10
Cable News vs. Spot Early Morning A25-54 CPM 11
Syndication Scatter vs. Spot Access A25-54 CPM 12
3 rd Quarter 2014 Network Scatter vs. Spot TV — CPM A25-54 Network-ScatterSpot DMA Early Morning$19.26$17.62 Early News$17.49$23.97 Prime$39.59$51.56 Late Night$18.12$20.22 Total$94.46$
Network Scatter vs. Spot TV CPM A rd Quarter’ % -10% -23% -27% +9%+9% Network Premium
3 rd Quarter 2014 Spot TV CPM Projections vs. Network Scatter SQAD A25-54 DMA CPM Basis 15 MarketsEarly MorningEarly NewsPrimeLate Night 1-10$18.49$24.25$68.26$ $18.71$24.56$65.47$ $18.20$23.90$61.55$ $17.46$23.00$56.26$ $17.00$22.53$52.63$ $16.88$22.47$51.51$ $17.62$23.97$51.56$20.22 Network-Scatter$19.26$17.49$39.59$18.12
A25-54 CPM Year-to-Year Change Q vs. Q NetworkSpot DMA Early Morning+6%+2% Early News+3%+4% Prime+7%-2% Late Night+8%+3% 16
A25-54 CPM Book-to-Book Change Q vs. Q NetworkSpot DMA Early Morning-25%+4% Early News-25%+2% Prime-24%-1% Late Night-25%+3%