Samuel Richardson and Henry Fielding 4 th class
The Novel In the 18th century, the English novel was still fairly new. Authors were still experimenting with different styles of writing.
Samuel Richardson
Samuel Richardson Richardson wrote Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded in It soon became a bestseller.
Instruct and entertain Richardson wanted to give moral instruction to young people through Pamela. But he wanted to do it in the form of a NOVEL not a CONDUCT BOOK. Conduct books were lists of instructions to the reader on how to lead a good, moral life.
The plot of Pamela Pamela is a beautiful young servant working for a man that Richardson calls Mr. B. Mr B becomes obsessed with beautiful Pamela and makes several attempts to seduce her. Eventually he kidnaps her and holds her hostage in his country house.
Pamela Pamela will not give up her VIRTUE (willingly sleep with her master). He comes very close to attempting to rape her, but ultimately does not. Eventually he proposes marriage to her, and this is her “reward” for her virtue.
Social Position Pamela is a servant from a very poor family and Mr. B is a wealthy, upper class man, so the idea of them getting married was very controversial. Even though Mr. B has attacked her and kidnapped her, by the end of the novel, Pamela is supposed to have fallen in love with him.
Pamela Pamela is an EPISTOLARY novel, this is a story told through LETTERS. Most of Pamela’s letters are to her mother. This style of writing became very popular because it allowed the reader to see the private life of the characters.
Enthusiastic support for Pamela In 1741 a 2 nd edition of Pamela was printed with 32 additional pages of compliments to the author and the novel. It was probably this that inspired Henry Fielding to write his parodies.