Professional Development For Title I, Part D, Programs Dr. Ted Price Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership, West Virginia University Dr. Fran Warsing.


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Presentation transcript:

Professional Development For Title I, Part D, Programs Dr. Ted Price Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership, West Virginia University Dr. Fran Warsing Superintendent, Office of Institutional Education Programs, West Virginia Department of Education Rick Martin Director of Curriculum, Learning, Accountability, and Student Services Orange County Department of Education, California

Elements of Effective Professional Development Sufficient resources Strategic plan ◦ Values, Beliefs, Vision High quality Peterson, Kent (March 2011). "Characteristics and Features of Quality Professional Development Programs." E- Lead. Web.

Professional Development Activities TypesTopics Internal trainings by outside experts or qualified, trained staff External conferences and trainings Mentoring and coaching programs Data Technology training English Language Learners Parent Engagement Information obtained from Dwayne Harapnuik, director of faculty enrichment at Abilene Christian UniversityAbilene Christian University

Reviewing the Research: National Staff Development Council Report Purpose Provides overall picture of the nation’s professional development Reviews the research literature on staff training Presents data collected from a nationally representative survey of teachers Wei, R. C., Darling-Hammond, L., Andree, A., Richardson, N., Orphanos, S. (2009). Professional learning in the learning profession: A status report on teacher development in the United States and abroad. Dallas, TX. National Staff Development Council.

Reviewing the Research: National Staff Development Council Report Findings Duration ◦ Programs of 30 to 100 hours, over six months to a year positively influenced student achievement ◦ Programs with fewer than 14 hours of time over six months to a year had little effect on student achievement Content-Focused ◦ Curriculum connected to teachers’ classroom practice ◦ Focus on deepening teacher content knowledge ◦ Relation to how students learn particular concept ◦ Coherent experiences Fosters collaboration ◦ Collective participation

Reviewing the Research: Lessons From Abroad Other Industrialized Countries United States Teachers spend about 60 percent of their working time engaged in instruction Teachers spend relatively more time sharing ways of improving Practices align with the research just discussed to greater extent Teachers spend about 80 percent of their working time engaged in instruction Professional learning typically takes place in isolated settings PD is predominantly an individual enterprise Focus is on serving individuals rather than focusing on what students need Wei, R. C., Darling-Hammond, L., Andree, A., Richardson, N., Orphanos, S. (2009). Professional learning in the learning profession: A status report on teacher development in the United States and abroad. Dallas, TX. National Staff Development Council.

Reviewing the Research: Teacher Professional Learning in the United States: Case Studies of State Policies and Strategies Teacher Reports Less than 10% reported that PD had little or no impact About 40% reported that PD confirmed what they were already doing Only about 50% of the teachers receiving PD in a given area reported that it led to a change Teachers were more likely to note the impact of PD when the duration was longer Teachers in highest-poverty schools were more likely to report that PD in their content area was ongoing than teachers in lowest-poverty schools Jaquith, A., Mindich, D., Wei, R.C., Darling-Hammond, L. (2010). Teacher professional learning in the United States: Case studies of state policies and strategies. Oxford, OH: Learning Forward.

Common Strategies for Leveraging Quality Professional Development 1. Developing standards to guide accountability 2. Monitoring quality 3. Requiring induction and mentoring programs 4. Leveraging collegial strategies for professional learning 5. Partnering with professional organizations 6. Creating networks of intermediary organizations 7. Addressing federal mandates and accountability requirements in constructive ways Peterson, Kent (March 2011). "Characteristics and Features of Quality Professional Development Programs." E-Lead. Web.

Guided by Policy: ESEA and Professional Development High quality and classroom-focused Sustained and intensive Positive impact on classroom instruction Impact on teacher performance Improve teachers’ knowledge of subject area Provide training on use of data and assessments to inform instruction More information can be found at Education Commission of the States:

Reviewing the Research: The Dilemmas of Professional Development Barriers and Challenges Most of the staff development that is conducted with K- 12 teachers: Derives from short-term transition model Pays no attention to what is already going on in a particular classroom Offers little opportunity for participants to become involved in the conversation Provides no follow-up Richardson, Virginia (2003). "The Dilemmas of Professional Development." Phi Delta Kappan. 84(5)

Coaching Teachers: What You Need to Know Definition: Coaching is providing specialized support for a designated period of time. It is an interactive process built upon collaborative activities and collegiality focused upon improving student learning. A four-year, nationwide research project affirmed what many of us who have been coached—or who are coaches—know: instructional coaching works Or rather, it can work if the conditions are right Foltos, Les (2010). Peer Coaching: Changing Classroom Practice and Enhancing Student Achievement. Utah Special Education, 32(3),

Coaching Teachers: So what is coaching? Coaching is about listening Effective coaches aren’t over-directive "Without trust there can be no coaching" Coaching can be transformative Aguilar, Elena (March 2011). "Coaching Teachers: What You Need to Know." Education Week. 16 Feb Web.

Coaching Teachers: Personal Lessons Learned Coaching is really, really hard. Coaches need training and ongoing professional development. Benefits to coaching: ◦ Creates more collaboration and sense of community ◦ Provides opportunities to practice new strategies more often and with greater skill ◦ Retains and increases new skills ◦ Demonstrates clearer understanding of the purpose and use of the learned strategy

Conclusions and Highlights 1. Only half of teachers who received PD reported actual change in their teaching practice 2. Teachers engaging for longer duration were more likely to report change in their teaching practice 3. Teachers in the highest-poverty schools appear to be receiving more ongoing, multi-year PD experiences than teachers in lowest-poverty schools 4. Content-focused PD and collaborative efforts contribute to greater impact on teaching practices