Mars Atmospheric Research Meeting in Hokkaido Univ.
Participants Japan –Prof. Masatsugu ODAKA –Dr. Yoshiyuki TAKAHASHI –Prof. Yoshiyuki HAYASHI –Ms. Chihiro MITSUDA –Mr. KITAMORI America –Dr. Anthony Toigo –Prof. Mark Richardson (in absentia)
Toigo and Richardson Research Goals and Collaboration Ideas
Research Goals Dust Storms –Origin, evolution, dissipation –Interannual variability Dust lifting –Wind stress, dust devils Boundary Layers –Dust lifting, dust devils, convection, turbulence Water Cycle –Clouds Topographic clouds (volcanoes), equatorial belt of clouds –Ice Caps & Exchange with atmosphere & regolith –Regolith exchange Paleoclimate –Past climate on Mars: water content? Temperature? Structure of ice caps? Formation of polar layered terrains? –Climate change (if different, how did we get from past to present?) Toigo and Richardson
Research Tools Dust Storms –Link global & mesoscale models for full interaction on a variety of scales Dust lifting & Boundary Layers –Large eddy simulations (LES) of Martian boundary layer Water Cycle –Mesoscale simulations of water transport (polar simulations, topography-influenced, etc.) –Global model: link regolith water absorption and ice formation models with global atmospheric model Dust Storms & Water Cycle –Combine microphysics of water ice & dust ( 稲田愛 ) Paleoclimate –Run GCM simulations in past conditions Improvements in surface models? CO 2 & ice clouds? Other new physical parameterizations? Toigo and Richardson
High-resolution (≤ 1m) 3D LES simulations using WRF Science goals –Improve boundary layer parameterizations in larger scale models (mesoscale, GCM, etc.) –Resolve dust devils –Heat, momentum, volatile transports (compare with future data) –Compare and contrast with terrestrial boundary layer Notes –Will be undertaken, independent of collaboration status would like to include Japanese group in any way –Interested in coordinating efforts with Japanese turbulence and convection models and research –Interested in exchange of graduate students (America Japan). Mr. Kitamori is invited to Caltech. Odaka-san and Takahashi-san are welcome to visit Caltech at any time for any length of time. Toigo and Richardson
Collaboration Idea #1 Run an LES on the Earth Simulator, but operated by 北大 group Possible problems: –Foreign participation Principal Investigator issue? –Failure of model to run on unique architecture WRF is parallelized and vectorized … –Must apply and specify model in proposal Depends on previous question Toigo and Richardson
Global Simulations and Collaboration Ideas #2 & #3 High resolution GCM by 北大 group run with Earth Simulator Collaboration Idea #2 –Compare and contrast with lower resolution WRF GCM & GFDL MGCM Collaboration Idea #3 –Trade physical parameterizations and use them in each other’s models –Compare and contrast results Toigo and Richardson
Paleoclimate Past climate conditions –Is it warm enough for liquid water? –What is necessary to reach that condition? Old Mars GCM has been run with surface pressures up to 1 bar –Will be published in JGR in a month or two –Purpose was to investigate stability of transient liquid water (where and when it would be stable) Toigo and Richardson
Collaboration Idea #4 (vague) 小高 & Richardson (& JPL) have strong interest in this question Can they share work or ideas or results in some way? –Share/trade regolith model & CO 2 cloud model? –Share tools, but answer different questions (less work for each person) Toigo and Richardson
Odaka, Takahashi and Kitamori Research Goals and Collaboration Ideas
Research Goals Dust storms –Origin, evolution, dissipation –Circulation pattern before and after dust storm –Dust transport, dust cloud pattern Interaction between small and large scale –Gravity wave and its effect on general circulation Turbulence in boundary layer –Convection –Effect on large scale circulation (see above) Gravity wave excitation by thermal convection Paleoclimate –Wet and warm climate in early Mars (with 光田 and 倉本 ) –Circulation pattern in these climate Odaka and Takahashi
Dust Storms GCM simulation on the Earth Simulator –Regional to global –Investigate dust transport and dust cloud pattern on those scales Collaboration Idea #1 –Intercomparison with each other’s results? –Fundamental characteristics under simplified or standard conditions zonal wind Hadley circulation surface wind Odaka and Takahashi
Scale Interaction GCM simulation on the Earth Simulator –Perform simulations with several resolutions Coarse to fine Compare each result Collaboration Idea #2 –? –Now planning Since actual project has not been undertaken, it is unclear at present how collaboration might work Odaka and Takahashi
Turbulence in boundary layer Convection: dry vs. moist –Use non-hydrostatic model –Use relatively idealized conditions Gravity waves excited by thermal convection –Large vertical extent –Direct simulation of gravity wave breaking Collaboration Idea #3 –Introduce technique into WRF LES model Odaka and Takahashi
Paleoclimate Use one-dimensional model –Radiation model and radiative/convective model –Energy balance model Use GCM or mesoscale model –Simulation of moist convection due to CO 2 condensation –Wide range parameter study on atmospheric surface pressure Collaboration Idea #4 –Share basic ideas about theory or numerical model Odaka and Takahashi
Collaboration Ideas Compared Compare and contrast with lower resolution WRF GCM Share tools or methods for investigating paleoclimate Trade physical parameterizations and use them in each other’s models Run an LES on the Earth Simulator with 北大 group Intercomparison of results of two GCMs (basic state) Share basic ideas about theories or models for paleoclimate Introduce turbulence and convection scheme into WRF Interaction between large and small scale
Summary of Discussion 0 th : continue communication and discussion ½ th : meet at conferences and show results to each other 1 st Collaboration –Run two GCMs independently and compare output plots 2 nd Collaboration –Talk about methods and theories for paleoclimate –Early coordination will make work easier and less duplication –Need to discuss with 光田さん and 倉本先生 3 rd Collaboration –Longer term: talk about (trade?) physics schemes –Needs more thought and discussion Purpose of trade (what is the science question) How much work it would take to implement? Usefulness (how well did it answer the above question)
Final Message from Mark Richardson Sorry that I couldn’t make it to this meeting I’m happy to –have the chance to collaborate –have real interaction that can be productive –be working with international groups, instead of always being rammed together with Americans Excited that we share interests in modeling from the very largest to very smallest scales Thank you for inviting us and being such great hosts –Next time we should meet in California, so Anthony and I can repay your generous kindness Hopefully next time we meet in Japan, I will be able to come as well as bring my wife Thank you very, very much!