Towards an Age Friendly Society in Ireland Louise Richardson, AGE Vice-President Ageing, Health and Environment: Partnerships for Excellence, DkIT, 2 May
2 AGE Platform Europe and EY2012 AGE Platform Europe is a network of 165 member organisations Representing more than 30 million older people across the EU Mission: to monitor and influence EU policy To promote a society for all ages based on cooperation and solidarity between the generations
3 EY2012 Coalition’s Manifesto for an Age- Friendly EU by 2020 AGE leads the EY2012 coalition of over 40 organisations Decision makers and all relevant stakeholders need to take collective responsibility for designing new ways of organising our societies to ensure a fairer and more sustainable future for all generations. Current demographic change is a key opportunity for every one to work together to create an AGE-Friendly EU by 2020
4 What does creating an Age-Friendly European Union mean? Fostering solidarity between generations Enabling active participation and involvement of all age groups Providing adequate support and protection
5 In an age-friendly environment, every age and population group will benefit from: A positive attitude to ageing An inclusive labour market Accessible outdoor spaces, building and transport, as well as adapted housing and physical activity facilities
6 Everyone will also benefit from: Goods and services that are adapted to the needs of all Digital inclusion Having a voice in the decision making and research processes that affect them to ensure they meet their needs – e.g. public services and the built environment
7 Opportunities to Participate fully in society Volunteering Cultural and sport and recreational activies Life long and intergenerational learning
8 Social Protection systems and health Social protection based on intra- and inter- generational solidarity Good mental and physical health Disease prevention Promotion of physical activity Healthy diet
9 How Ireland can become age-friendly. The importance of an active ageing strategy Building on current and past research Hearing the voice of the people - including vulnerable groups Sharing and learning from all the good work already happening Empower! Involve! Implement!
10 What needs to be done People – Centred and Needs- based Develop integrated action plans based on everyday situations of older people Why? Some Examples....
11 What AGE is doing to promote Age Friendly Environments A joint commitment with WHO to set up a virtual stakeholders forum on Age-Friendly Environments Establishing a Convenant of Mayors on Demographic Change Lobbying the Social Protection Committee to organise an annual Peer Review on Age Friendly Environments. Ensuring AFE are a key priority of the EIP-AHA (European Innovative Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing)
12 What Irish Stakeholders can do Sign up to the virtual stakeholders Forum on Age Friendly Environments Promote the concept of Design-for-all Ensure that measures to promote and support active and healthy ageing are included in National Reform Plans
13 Useful publication Joint publication of European Commission, Committee of Regions and AGE: Explains what local and regional actors can do to support active ageing and solidarity between generations Lists EU funding instruments for active ageing projects and gives example of already existing projects
14 Web-link to brochure ‘How to promote active ageing in Europe: EU support to local and regional actors’ activeageing_en.pd
15 A few last words…everyone has a role to play The importance of finding innovative solutions that are sustainable, fair and foster equality for all generations Need to spread and share innovative good practice See Age leaflet ‘European Year 2012 for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations: Everyone has a role to play
16 Thank you 16
AGE Platform Europe Rue Froissart Brussels, Belgium Contact: Louise Richardson tel. :