The Novel A Brief History ENGL 124 B03 Winter 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

The Novel A Brief History ENGL 124 B03 Winter 2010

Lengthy prose fiction (roughly 80,000–120,000 words) What is a novel?

Lengthy prose fiction (roughly 80,000–120,000 words) “[R]epresenting character and action with some degree of realism and complexity” (OED) What is a novel?

appeared with the spread of the printing press in Europe predecessors: allegories (e.g., Pilgrim’s Progress, by John Bunyan, 1678) romances (e.g., Le Morte D’Arthur, by Thomas Mallory, 1485) picaresques (e.g., The Unfortunate Traveller, by Thomas Nash, 1594) Early English novels

hotly contested among several candidates, depending on how one defines a ‘true’ novel strong contenders: The first English novel

hotly contested among several candidates, depending on how one defines a ‘true’ novel strong contenders: Oroonoko, by Aphra Behn (1688) The first English novel

hotly contested among several candidates, depending on how one defines a ‘true’ novel strong contenders: Oroonoko, by Aphra Behn (1688) Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe (1719) The first English novel

Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded, by Samuel Richardson (1740) The first ‘best-seller’

Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded, by Samuel Richardson (1740) tapped the emerging (and newly-literate) middle class as its readership The first ‘best-seller’

Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded, by Samuel Richardson (1740) tapped the emerging (and newly-literate) middle class as its readership “epistolary novel”: told in a series of personal letters exchanged among the characters, and later collected by an ‘editor’ The first ‘best-seller’

sentimental novels (1740s to 1790s): designed to evoke intense, humane feelings Sub-genres

sentimental novels (1740s to 1790s): designed to evoke intense, humane feelings gothic novels (1790s): exotic fictions involving mystery and suspense Sub-genres

sentimental novels (1740s to 1790s): designed to evoke intense, humane feelings gothic novels (1790s): exotic fictions involving mystery and suspense historical novels (early 1800s): credible depictions of historical persons +/or events Sub-genres Walter_Scott_Waverley_illustration.jpg

sentimental novels (1740s to 1790s): designed to evoke intense, humane feelings gothic novels (1790s): exotic fictions involving mystery and suspense historical novels (early 1800s): credible depictions of historical persons +/or events sensation novels (1860s): dealt with ‘shocking’ material (immoral, horrifying, unnatural) Sub-genres

References The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 5th ed Print.