1 Submitted to: NCI Center for Bioinformatics Prepared by: 101 West Renner Road, Suite 130 Richardson, TX September 22, 2004 Contact Information: Telephone 972/ FAX972/ Product Name: CDE Curation Tool Version 3.0 Create/ Edit Screens Draft Screen Mock-ups
2 TestTrack 633 Change label on Value Domain screen to "Value Domain Name Wizard“. Only Rep Qualifier and Rep Term are Value Domain Attributes. Option 1 These four are labeled “Name Wizard”. Representations are labeled “Attributes”.
3 TestTrack 633 Change label on Value Domain screen to "Value Domain Name Wizard“. Only Rep Qualifier and Rep Term are Value Domain Attributes. Option 2 These four are labeled “Naming Wizard”. Representations are labeled “Attributes”.
4 TestTrack 672 Hierarchical CSI Assignments Should Inherit Higher Level CSI When the child is selected from the Class Scheme Items list, all its parents, up to top level, could be added in the selected list of Classification Scheme Items. The user could click the “Remove Item” button to remove the Classification Scheme Item.
5 TestTrack 868 Add Value Meaning Description to Permissible Value Display in Curation Tool: Option 1 The “Details” hyperlink could open a window displaying all the Permissible Values along with their attributes.
6 TestTrack 868 Add Value Meaning Description to Permissible Value Display in Curation Tool: Option 2 Value Meaning Description could be displayed when either Value or Meaning is selected.
7 TestTrack 947 Allow Permissible Value Begin & End Dates and Origins to be Unique to a Value Domain, page 1 The “Edit Selection” button could open an Edit Permissible Value screen where users would be able to add, change, or remove Origin, Begin Date and End Date for the selected Permissible Value. (next slide)
8 Edit Selected Permissible Value TestTrack 947 Allow Permissible Value Begin & End Dates and Origins to be Unique to a Value Domain, page 2 Value, Meaning and Description could be read only fields. The only editable attributes could be Origin, Begin Date and End Date.
9 TestTrack 361 Allow User to Enter New Origin Clicking the “Create New” link could open a window allowing the user to enter an Origin not in the drop down list. The new Origin could then be displayed in the “Select Value Domain Origin” field after the user clicks the “OK” button on the new window.
10 Submitted to: NCI Center for Bioinformatics Prepared by: 101 West Renner Road, Suite 130 Richardson, TX September 22, 2004 Contact Information: Telephone 972/ FAX972/ Product Name: CDE Curation Tool Version 3.0 Search Screens Draft Screen Mock-ups
11 TestTrack 537 Use Conceptual Domain as a Filter for Value Domain and Data Element Concept Searches A Conceptual Domain search link could open another window to search for a Conceptual Domain to use as a filter. If a context is selected on the Value Domain or Data Element Concept search screen, the search Conceptual Domain window could display all the Conceptual Domains associated to the selected context. The Use Selection button could paste the selected Conceptual Domain as a filter on the search for Value Domain or Data Element Concept screen.
12 TestTrack 715 Display Data Element Concepts using an Object Class or Property A column could be added to Object Class and Property search result screens to display the Preferred Names of Data Element Concepts using the Object Class or Property.
13 Submitted to: NCI Center for Bioinformatics Prepared by: 101 West Renner Road, Suite 130 Richardson, TX September 22, 2004 Contact Information: Telephone 972/ FAX972/ Product Name: CDE Curation Tool Version 3.0 Search: EVS Tree Structure Draft Screen Mock-ups
14 TestTrack 341 Implement Tree-Based Search: Term Search Option An EVS search could be done as a term search or by clicking a “Tree Search” hyperlink to display the EVS Tree (next slide).
15 TestTrack 341 Implement Tree-Based Search Tree Search, page 1 Clicking “Term Search” could restore original term search panel (previous slide). Clicking red box could launch a search for that concept. Clicking “plus” could expand the tree. Results for only that concept could shown in Search Results panel.
16 TestTrack 341 Implement Tree-Based Search Tree Search, page 2 After displaying a term by clicking on the red detail box, the user could select the term and click the “Use Selection” button to paste it into, in this case, the Representation Term field. Clicking the “GetSubConcepts” button could display all the SubConcepts (children) of the selected concept beneath the concept. The “GetSubConcepts” button could only be displayed on the EVS Tree search screen.
17 Submitted to: NCI Center for Bioinformatics Prepared by: 101 West Renner Road, Suite 130 Richardson, TX September 22, 2004 Contact Information: Telephone 972/ FAX972/ Product Name: CDE Curation Tool Version 3.0 Display of EVS Identifier and Vocabulary on Data Element Concept Create and Edit Screens Draft Screen Mock-ups
18 TestTrack 958 Display EVS Identifier on Data Element Concept Screen: Option 1 The requirement states that EVS Identifier and Vocabulary should be displayed for Object, Property, and Qualifiers. This slide and the ones that follow show options on how the Curation Tool could display this information. In option one, the Curation Tool could display the Name Component titles below the fields and the EVS Vocabulary and Identifier could be displayed as shown.
19 TestTrack 958 Display EVS Identifier on Data Element Concept Screen: Option 2 In option two, the Curation Tool could keep the Name Component titles where they currently exist and display the EVS Vocabulary and Identifier separated by a colon below the fields.
20 TestTrack 958 Display EVS Identifier on Data Element Concept Screen: Option 3 In option three, the EVS Vocabulary and Identifier could be displayed below the fields with titles for each.
21 TestTrack 958 Display EVS Identifier on Data Element Concept Screen: Option 4 In option four, the EVS Vocabulary and Identifier could be displayed below the fields without titles for each.