Sharon S. Dawes - CTG Anthony M. Cresswell - CTG Laura Black - MIT David F. Andersen - RC George P. Richardson - RC Luis F. Luna - RC Ignacio J. Martinez - RC Generic Structures that Guide the Implementation of IT ‑ Based Innovations in the Public Sector
Agenda The opportunnity How the idea was depeloped The group modelling session –Pre-meeting activities –Meeting activities –Post-meeting activities What is next
The Opportunity Past fall, MIT students visit to Albany – Laura Black presented to us her work with technology and Cross-Boundary Collaboration The Center for Technology in Government at the University at Albany, –worked since 1993 to study just this process through implementation of Technology ‑ Based Innovations in the Public Sector –Gateways to the Past, Present, and Future: Practical Guidelines to the Secondary Uses of Electronic Records
How The Idea Was Developed Jan/2001 DFA starts talking with potential participants – Paper proposal Mar/13/2001 Meeting with Tony Cresswell (CTG) – Group modelling approach Mar/20/2001 Meeting with all the KDI team – Initial interest in the project Mar/29/2001 Meeting with modeling group – HIMS project selected / session scheduled Apr/13/2001 First modeling meeting – More than a paper
Modelling Session
Pre-meeting Activities Create Script (Richardson and Andersen, 1995) –Roles FacilitatorDA Modeler/ReflectorGR Process CoachGR RecorderLL / IM GatekeeperAC Get CTG approval Create Concept Model Complete logistics
Meeting Activities 8:30·Review Agenda for the day ·Purpose, discussion and clarification ·Concept Model: a fast overview of final product ·Boundary Clarification – stakeholders, actors, sectors in the model, key variable (especially stocks) elicitation, key variables and the reference mode 10:20BREAK 10:30·Stock mapping ·Feedback loop mapping ·Modeler Feedback ·Next steps and future tasks
The Modelling Group David AndersenRockefeller College Donna CanestraroCenter for Technology in Government Meghan CookCenter for Technology in Government Anthony CresswellCenter for Technology in Government Mark LaVigneCenter for Technology in Government Ignacio MartinezRockefeller College Theresa PardoCenter for Technology in Government George RichardsonRockefeller College Fiona ThompsonCenter for Technology in Government Luis LunaRockefeller College
Concept Model
Key Variables Elicitation Number of interactions or meetings Level of the people involved Trust –Providers role to the state –Providers trust to Bob and CTG –Providers trust among them –Individual trust Feedback from work (evidence of listening) Percent of HIMS developed Level of engagement (at meetings) – Ownership Level of leadership CTG involvement amount and role Providers appreciation about the value of HIMS to themselves
Boundary Clarification
Structure Elicitation
Reflector Feedback
What Is Next Formulate the Model Second Meeting on May, 8th Poster in Atlanta Meeting Paper in SD Review or other Journal Obtaining funding to model other CTG projects Dissertation