Wiki History of wiki & who created it What is Wiki When it was created How wiki works
History of Wiki According to the book Blogs, Wikis, MySpace, and More “The first wiki site was created in By a person name Ward Cunningham.” The word wiki “Came from Hawaiian language, where it means Quick” (Burrows 202).
What is Wiki A wiki is like a blank webpage you can write on with simple tools--text, photos, graphics, videos, links and more. The most famous example of a wiki is Wikipedia an encyclopedia written entirely by its users.
What is Wiki A "wiki" is an interlinked set of web pages written by the people who use it. Wikis store the history of page changes so you can see how a page has changed over time, and can revert to an older version if you'd like.
How Wiki Works According to the book Blogs, Wikis, MySpace, and More by Terry Burrows, “A person can place an article on a wiki website; another can edit or rewrite it; and a third person can, if they choose, delete it altogether” (Burrows 202).
Cont. Will Richardson author of book, Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts said that, “If you have some knowledge about your favorite hobby that isn’t on Wikipedia? Add it. Read something you think isn’t correct? Fix it. Don’t like the way one of the entries is written? Erase it” (Richardson 60). In other words one has full control of it as an editor.
Cont. In the same book Richardson point out that most people think that since anyone can edit, delete anything anytime then how can one trust that the information on Wiki is true and correct. Well for that reason Richardson quoted a study done by professor Alex Halavais of University of Buffalo
Cont. “professor Halavais created 13 errors on various posts on Wikipedia, all of which were fixed within a couple of hours” (Richardson 60).