WISER: Social Sciences Business & Financial Information Resources An overview of the some of the most significant business and management databases available in Oxford. Includes demonstrations of Business Source Complete, ORBIS and Euromonitor's Global Market Information Database. Fiona Richardson & Katherine Melling
Overview Main business & finance resource types Demonstration of: –Business Source Complete –FAME –Euromonitor GMID Financial research databases: –WRDS –Datastream
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Defining the subject…? “The scope of business & management research is not as neatly bounded as, for example, inorganic chemistry” Maylor, H. & Blackmon, K. (2005) Researching Business & Management. Basingstoke: Palgrave. R E C O M M E N D E D !
Business & management research Accounting Finance Economics Human resources Organizational behaviour Strategy Information systems Operations Marketing Management science P S Y C H O L O G Y M A T H S & S T A T S L A W C O M P U T I N G A N T H R O P O L O G Y S O C I O L O G Y
Types of resource Newspapers Economics & Statistics Market Research Journals Company & Financial Data Business and Management
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Key databases A comprehensive business and management e-journals database, covering both academic and trade journals. Also includes company profiles and market research. Global market research providing data, graphs and textual reports. UK and Ireland companies information. 29 profit and loss account and 63 balance sheet items, cash flow & ratios, credit score & rating, security & price information (listed companies only), names of bankers, auditors, details of holdings & subsidiaries, names of current & previous directors with shareholder indicator, heads of department, shareholders, etc.
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Financial research databases (1) Research interface for analysing financial data Major datasets: Compustat North America CRSP FAME and ORBIS data plus many other smaller datasets Individual accounts available for doctoral students, research assistants and academics. Academics can also set up class accounts. Open access in the Sainsbury Library only.
Financial research databases (2) Long time series of company financial, stock market and economic data. Restricted to specific PCs – currently available in the Said Business School, Economics Department and Oxford-Man Institute for Quantitative Finance. Open access currently only in Sainsbury Library.
Need help or advice? Contact the specialists! Fiona Richardson tel. (2)88882 Katherine Melling tel. (2)88883