Device constructed of mostly wood, plastic, and duct tape. Materials utilized: Racecar track with car Spring Marble Mousetrap Cut up plastic coke bottle String and safety pin Wood base and side Duct tapes Funnels and tubes Estimated cost of all materials was around $20
Racecar starts with potential energy,which is conserved by rotational energy once car goes through loop. ( mgh= ½ mv ² ) ( ½ mv^2= ½ IW ² ) Elastic energy is transferred to potential, then kinetic when spring releases lever and marble goes down track. ( ½ kX ² =mgh) (mgh= ½ mv ² ) The kinetic energy used when marble hits mousetrap is conserved by elastic energy when mousetrap is set off. ( ½ mv ² = ½ kX ² )
*Getting the car to start at right height to make it around the loop and hit the metal pin with a great enough force to set off the lever/spring. *Getting marble to hit mousetrap dead on. *Creativity was the key in designing the project and planning out how it would work. *The construction part was challenging and fun. *Helped us apply physics to real world applications and see how things work.