Overview 1
TOPICS Mission Calendar Points – Time Commitment Dollars - Financial Commitment 2
MISSION Young men and women in high school are offered the opportunity for cultural, leadership and social growth through service and financial support to the Symphony, the League and the community Debs and Honor Guards are poised representatives of the RSL at community service functions and as escorts at the symphony concerts. Highlight of the year is the Richardson Symphony Ball. Service + Arts + Leadership = College Resume Winner 3
COMMITMENTS Young men and women must be active participants and earn the required points through service participation and meeting attendance Each debutante and honor guard must be sponsored by an Active Member of the Richardson Symphony League. A parent is preferred, but other adults may serve as sponsors. A primary purpose of RSL is to raise money for the RSO. Financial obligations by the debs/honor guards and RSL members are necessary. 4
CALENDAR TENTATIVE Service – points for each (pick 2 or more) September – UTD Sounds of Class Face Painting booth (Sat.) October – Fundraising Walkathon (Sat) November – Richardson Women’s Club Tour Tea Room Servers (2 nd Saturday) December – Santa’s Village Symphony House (various shifts Thurs - Sundays) 5 General Meetings - Usually 1 st Sundays Belle Grove Community Room Concert Door Greeters (must pick two) October 8, December 3, February 11, March 10, April 14 January – Lennox Competition at UTD (one Saturday) February – Honor Guard Texas Hold ‘em Tournament (Friday) February – Council of PTAs Book Fair Symphony Ball – March 2012 (TBA) Must work a shift during morning setup or evening cleanup Must attend a practice that morning and the ball that evening
POINTS 6 Attend at least 3 General Meetings - 3 or more points Greet for at least two RSO concerts – 2 or more points Work 2-hour shift for at least 2 Service Events – 2 or more points Fulfill fundraising obligation – 1 point Work 2 ball shifts – 2 points Signet Opportunities Recruit a new deb or honor guard Make donation for non-working service event like food bank donation Work extra shifts or concerts or attend extra meetings Required: 12 for seniors /10 for others / 15 to earn Signet Pin (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond) Due by February. Carry over up to 2 earned after February
FINANCIAL COMMITMENT RSL SPONSOR (PARENT) Total Commitment for the Year = approx. $550 7 Summer (by Aug 21) - $300 Dues - $100 Friend of League donation - $50 (listed in ball program) Name tag - $10 Symphony Season ticket - $140 (avg) Spring (by Feb 1) - $250 1 Ball Ticket - $100 - $120 Silent Auction Donation - $100 (could be solicited) Raffle Postage - $10 Wine Donation - $20 Raffle Tickets - $50 (optional) Additional Ball Tickets (optional) - $100-$120 ea.
FINANCIAL COMMITMENT FIRST YEAR NON-SENIORS Total Commitment for the Year = approx. $600 8 Summer (by Aug 21) - $300 Dues - $50 Symphony Season student ticket and parking pass - $60 Deb polo - $25 Name tag - $10 Black concert dress and closed toe black shoes – varies – approx. $150 Fall (by Dec 1) - $165 Fundraising - $150 Non-service event donations - $15 (optional) Spring (by Feb 1) - $135 Ball Ticket - $100 - $120 Dance-a-thon - $25 (optional) Raffle Postage - $10
FINANCIAL COMMITMENT RETURNING NON-SENIORS Total Commitment for the Year = approx. $410 9 Summer (by Aug 21) - $110 Dues - $50 Symphony Season student ticket and parking pass - $60 Fall (by Dec 1) - $165 Fundraising - $150 Non-service event donations - $15 (optional) Spring (by Feb 1) - $135 Ball Ticket - $100 - $120 Dance-a-thon ticket - $25 (optional) Raffle postage - $10
FINANCIAL COMMITMENT SUMMARY FOR NON-SENIORS ESTIMATED 10 RSL Sponsor (Parent)First Year DebutanteTotal August$300 $600 December0$165 February$250$135$385 TOTAL$550$600$1,050 RSL Sponsor (Parent)Returning debutanteTotal August$290$110$400 December0$165 February$250$135$385 TOTAL$540$410$950
FINANCIAL COMMITMENT SENIORS AND PARENTS Total Commitment for the Year = approx. $3,200 - $4, Summer (by Aug 21) - $400 Deb Dues - $50 Symphony Season student ticket and parking pass - $60 Parent RSL Dues - $100 Name tags - $20 (if new member) Friend of League donation - $50 (listed in ball program) Symphony Season ticket - $140 (avg) Fall (by Oct 1) - approx. $500 Ball Gown, gloves, tiara - $500 (varies) Fall (by Dec 1) - approx. $900 Photos - $200 (varies) Fundraising - $150 Non-service donations - $15 Presentation Fee - $500 - $950 Spring (by Feb 1) – approx. $1,400 Ball Table - $1,000 - $1,200 Dance-a-thon ticket - $25 (optional) Raffle Tickets - $50 (optional) Raffle and invitation postage - $50 Ball DVD - $35 (optional) Wine Donation - $20 Silent Auction Donation - $100
FINANCIAL COMMITMENT SUMMARY FOR SENIORS ESTIMATED 12 RSL Sponsor (Parent)First Year DebutanteTotal August$300 $600 Oct - Dec0$1,850 February$1,290$110$1,400 TOTAL$1,580$2,260$3,850 RSL Sponsor (Parent)Returning debutanteTotal August$290$110$400 Oct - Dec0$1,400 February$1,290$110$1,400 TOTAL$1,580$1,620$3,200