Global POC Synthesis from Beam Attenuation Data collected during JGOFS, WOCE and other programs A.V. Mishonov, W.D. Gardner, & M.J. Richardson Department.


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Presentation transcript:

Global POC Synthesis from Beam Attenuation Data collected during JGOFS, WOCE and other programs A.V. Mishonov, W.D. Gardner, & M.J. Richardson Department of Oceanography Texas A & M University College Station

SMP meeting, WH Background One of the major goals of JGOFS is to develop regional and global mass balances for carbon. Selected areas were studied through shipboard sampling during JGOFS in the last 15 years. To extend global coverage, the marine carbon dioxide survey was integrated with WOCE.

SMP meeting, WH Introduction To obtain information about POC distribution it is possible to use in-situ optical instruments - e.g. transmissometer and convert beam attenuation to POC. In order to extend our data coverage to a global level, we convinced many WOCE scientists to interface our transmissometers on their WOCE cruises during the last decade. We now have an opportunity to reduce & synthesize the data collected.

SMP meeting, WH Objectives 2 Reduce and quality control the transmissometer data from 17 WOCE cruises, providing accessibility and compatibility with JGOFS data for input to models of carbon cycling, aggregation / disaggregation, etc. 2 Establish new ocean- or region-specific algorithms to estimate global POC standing stock in the surface ocean from satellite back-scatter data and our transmissometer data sets. 2 Explore whether the relationship between CO 2 drawdown and POC concentration can be used to estimate POC export from surface waters.

SMP meeting, WH Data Set Transmissometer data have been collected using instruments provided by our group over the last decade in collaboration with WOCE, JGOFS, and other large-scale hydrographic programs. These data include basin-wide transects in the North and South Atlantic, North and South Pacific, Indian, and Southern Oceans. We have been funded to analyze these data and convert the beam attenuation values to POC using the Beam Attenuation:POC relationships derived by our group during JGOFS Process studies.

SMP meeting, WH Station Coverage: WOCE, JGOFS & others JGOFSWOCEOthers

SMP meeting, WH Available Transmissometer Data: 2 19 WOCE cruises (Jan Jun.1997), which includes: /2239 Sts/Casts; 2 More data will be included from: 2 JGOFS: 22 cruises, 410/1568 Sts/Casts 2 SAVE, WBEX, MCTT, etc: 9 cruises, 600 Sts (est.) 2 Possible future additions: 2 BATS & HOT: TBA 2 other archives (BOFS, NIOP, etc.): TBA

SMP meeting, WH Global Transmissometer Data Stations per Year Distribution

SMP meeting, WH Global Transmissometer Data Stations per Month Distribution

SMP meeting, WH WOCE Cruises (19)

SMP meeting, WH WOCE Stations WOCE Lines Stations

SMP meeting, WH JGOFS Cruises (22)

SMP meeting, WH JGOFS Stations JGOFS Cruises Stations

SMP meeting, WH Other Cruises (9)

SMP meeting, WH Other Stations Other Programs Stations

SMP meeting, WH Data Inventory Sample Sections

SMP meeting, WH Pacific Ocean Section RV Th.Thompson, Jul-Aug. 93, Line p14n Beam Attenuation Distance, nm Depth, m North

SMP meeting, WH Indian Ocean Section RV Knorr, Feb. 95, Line i09s

SMP meeting, WH Future steps 1 Transmissometer database: Transmissometer database: 2 Process 19 WOCE cruises of transmissometer data; 2 Add processed transmissometer & POC data from 22 JGOFS cruises; 2 Add processed transmissometer data from other basin-scale cruises where we have data (9 + ).

SMP meeting, WH Future steps 2 Beam attenuation / POC relationship: Beam attenuation / POC relationship: 2 Use algorithms developed during JGOFS: NABE, Arabian Sea, and Ross Sea/Antarctic Polar Front Zone expeditions; 2 convert Beam Attenuation to POC & quantify spatial and temporal distribution.

SMP meeting, WH JGOFS: Beam C p versus POC POC,  M C/L C p, m -1 NABE: y=0.0376x R 2 =0.913 APFZ: y=0.0264x R 2 =0.982 RS: y=0.0178x R 2 =0.874

SMP meeting, WH Thank You!

SMP meeting, WH Comments: Alexey Mishonov: Wilford Gardner: Mary Jo

SMP meeting, WH Dept. of Oceanography Texas A&M University College Station, TX