What’s New in Teacher Resources? Mike Groher, Linda McDaniel, & Becky Eeten SFSD Instructional Coaches
Environment Define Your Beliefs Align Your Practices Take Action for Teaching Classroom Culture Teaching with Intention Debbie Miller
Stations vs. Math Centers Book Structure o Organizing o Trouble Shooting o Structure o Concepts Literature Technology Differentiation Assessment/Accountability Math Work Stations Debbie Diller
The Daily 5 and The CAFE Book Gaily Boushey and Joan Moser
Strategies That Work by Stephanie Harvey and Anne Goudvis -first edition 2000 second edition added Comprehension Across the Curriculum -several new strategy lessons -how to help students with comprehension -new tabs
The Next Step in Guided Reading Jan Richardson Finely tuned guided reading Leveled: Emergent, Early, Transitional, Fluent o HF Word Charts o Lesson Plans o Rubrics for Coaching o Plans for Individual Lessons o Checklists o Progress Charts
Math Process Standards Series Susan O'Connell
- Introduction to Problem Solving K-2 and 3-5 -Introduction to Reasoning and Proof K-2 and 3-5 -Introduction to Connections K-2 and 3-5 -Introduction to Representation K-2 and 3-5 -Introduction to Communications K-2 and 3-5 Math Process Standards Series (cont.)
-comprehension strategies defined -reader's and writer's workshops -strategies -appendix To Understand - Reading Comprehension by Ellin Oliver Keene
Primary Comprehension Toolkit The Comprehension Toolkit (3-6) Correlation Charts for Common Core Grades K-2 Grades 3-6 The Comprehension Toolkit Stephanie Harvey and Anne Goudvis (Heinemann)
Comprehension from the Ground Up Sharon Taberski (Heinemann) Simplified, Sensible Instruction for the K-3 Reading Workshop What's Inside?
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