Hospitality is the Heart of the Gospel
Questions How does your church value hospitality? How does your church value hospitality? What helps? (esp with children and young people) What helps? (esp with children and young people) What hinders? (esp with children and young people) What hinders? (esp with children and young people)
Youth and Child Friendly Church Awards We can show this in these ways + We could begin or improve this by: We know the names of children and young people in our church We know the names of children and young people in our church We regularly pray for the children and young people of our church, school and local community We regularly pray for the children and young people of our church, school and local community The church has an active relationship with children and young people The church has an active relationship with children and young people We have welcoming, attractive and safe venues for children’s and youth ministry. Our children do not meet in junk/furniture storage rooms We have welcoming, attractive and safe venues for children’s and youth ministry. Our children do not meet in junk/furniture storage rooms The PCC has adopted a Child Protection Policy The PCC has adopted a Child Protection Policy Children and young people are active in the life of the church and there are opportunities for them to be involved Children and young people are active in the life of the church and there are opportunities for them to be involved Children and young people are encouraged to question Children and young people are encouraged to question
Everybody Welcome Published resource by Bob Jackson and George Fisher Published resource by Bob Jackson and George Fisher Sessions on: Making the church visible Making the church visible Making the church premises inviting Making the church premises inviting Welcoming people Welcoming people Enabling belonging Enabling belonging