DCF Mission
Vision is not a number or a building. They help us accelerate in the mission. Vision is how God sees His Church seeking to do His Mission. C CCC CC Vision Statement; DCF is Creating a Community of Courageous, Compassionate, Committed Christians.
C Community Heb 13:2 Explanation An atmosphere of acceptance & belonging Evidence & Actions 1. Maintain a Culture that shows DCF to Love God, Love People & Love Life. 2. Increase the role & activities of the Welcome Team in hospitality 3. Increase the role Home Fellowship Groups
C Courageous Joshua 1:7-9 Explanation Reaching Out, Boldness to Declare, Witness Living Out, Boldness to be Different, Holiness Stepping Out, Boldness to Minister in the Spirit Evidence & Actions The focus of Courage to be in the preaching & teaching and encouraged in nurturing, mentoring & connecting. Teaching & training events to encourage courage.
C Compassionate Eph 4:32 Col 3:12 Explanation The practical demonstration of the love of God, Caring for the Body, Soul & Spirit of our community and the world. Evidence & Actions Continue increasing the excellence of DCC, Heaven’s Kitchen, Debt Management, Pastoral Care, Noah’s Ark, Prayer Team, Junior Church, Youth, WOW, Welcome Team, Finance Team. ACTs, Alpha and Prayer Team. Develop a Marriage Course, Parenting Course, World Missions Focus, “Just 4 Men” Ministry. Team Values & regular Evaluations
C Committed Acts 2:42 Explanation To personal and corporate Maturity To personal and corporate Mission To each other Evidence & Actions Learning the Word, Cooperate Reading Plan Leaning to Serve, Train in Ministry Loyal, Forgiving, Serving
C Christians Rom 12:11 Explanation Unashamed Born Again passionate Followers of Jesus. Evidence & Actions Loves God, Loves People & Loves Life.
C Creating Matt 28:19 Explanation Intentionally making Disciples; 1.God’s WWW Spiritual Foundations 2. One to one Mentoring to Maturity 3.Getting Connected to Service Evidence & Actions Prepare/Train people to be; 1. Nurturers to guild new Christians through God’s WWW 2. Mentors to help people develop in their Spiritual Walk 3. Connectors to help people discover their ministry gift to the Church via a show & tell approach. Using Model, Mentor, Monitor, Motivate & Multiply
Creating a C CC Community of Courageous, C CC Compassionate, Committed Christians To Declare & To Disciple