What is the Gospel? Dr. Michael Rydelnik
The Gospel is often confused. Forsaking sin joining a church recognizing God’s existence accepting the authority and inspiration of the Bible rejecting evolution What are other issues that people confuse with the gospel?
What is the gospel? 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 Messiah died (v. 3) for our sins according to the scriptures He was buried (v. 4a) Messiah rose again (v. 4b) the third day according to the scriptures He was seen... (v. 5)
The gospel is that Jesus the Messiah died for our sins and rose again. The Communication of the Gospel 15:1-2 – Paul’s Work 15:1 I make known (present restatement of the message) I preached (past message) – People’s Response 15:2 They received it They stand in it They are saved by it.
What is the gospel? 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 Messiah died (v. 3) for our sins according to the scriptures He was buried (v. 4a) Messiah rose again (v. 4b) the third day according to the scriptures He was seen... (v. 5)
The gospel is that Jesus the Messiah died for our sins and rose again. The Contents of the Gospel 15:3-8 – Messiah Died The Reason – Substitutionary Death (“for our sins”) The Evidence – Biblical Promise (“according to the Scriptures”) Isa 52:13-53:12 – Historical Proof (“... was buried”)
The gospel is that Jesus the Messiah died for our sins and rose again. The Contents of the Gospel 15:3-8 – Messiah Rose The Reason – Validation of His deity (proved He is God – Romans 10:9-10) The Evidence – Biblical Promise (“according to the Scriptures”) Psalm 16:10; Isa 53:10 – Historical Proof (“was seen...”)
The Gospel The gospel is that Jesus the Messiah died as a substitutionary sacrifice, paying the penalty of our sins, and rose again, proving His claims to deity. Or Jesus died for our sins and rose again, proving He is God.
The Good News (in 25 words or less) The wrong we do separates us from God. Christ died, paying our penalty for sins, and rose again proving He is God. Trust in Him.