Gospel Centered Work Dualism in Work (Two Ways Christians are affected): 1.All Work must be overtly done in Jesus’ name 2.Christians only think of themselves as Christians within the church and church activity In the first, Christians forget what we have “in common with the world”; in the second, Christians forget how we are “distinct from the world”.
The Gospel Storyline: Creation – God creates the world and it is GOOD. This is how things should be….. The Fall – The World is fallen and everything is affected and tainted by sin. This is THE Problem with our world Redemption and Restoration – The solution to our problem (and the world’s) is JESUS. And all of creation will be redeemed and restored – this is our Hope
How the Gospel affects our Work: The Gospel and YOUR Work How can the gospel affect (influence) your work field and work place? The Gospel and WHY we Work We work for an Audience of ONE The Gospel and HOW we Work We will neither underwork or overwork