GOD’S ELECT I Peter 1:1b-2 5:12-13 II Peter 3:1a Deniel S
GOD’S ELECT [Chosen]— Predestined? Or Free Willed? I Peter 1:1b-2 5:12-13 II Peter 3:1a
In other words, Are people stuck with the fate that God has already decided for them? or Do people have a choice of whether they want to be God’s children or not?
I Peter 1:1-2 From Peter, apostle of Jesus Christ: To God's chosen people who live as refugees scattered throughout the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. You were chosen according to the purpose of God the Father and were made a holy people by his Spirit, to obey Jesus Christ and be purified by his blood. May grace and peace be yours in full measure.
Now, some will argue that Peter meant only the Jewish race when he wrote “God’s elect.” But that’s another discussion outside of today’s topic.
Some Christians say that if God has already chosen [or knows] all people who will accept His Son’s [Jesus’] atonement, then we don’t need to tell anyone about Him. Those Christians say that there is no need for us to spread the Gospel [Good News of Jesus’ atoning death and resurrection]. However, in the words of Christ – given to us by the apostles – He commanded us to spread the Gospel and to place more value on eternal rewards than on earthly wealth and position. Don’t take my word for it; take a look at the Record.
Jesus said to his 11 apostles, “You did not choose me; I chose you and appointed you to go and bear much fruit, the kind of fruit that endures [lasts forever].” John 15:16 Some may say that this “fruit” just means the Fruit of the Holy Spirit—Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. But others say that this “fruit” is people who come to accept Jesus’ atonement through the testimony of the apostles.
Consider the book entitled “The Acts of the Apostles”— The majority of this book tells of Peter’s and Paul’s travels, spreading the Gospel all over Asia Minor [today’s “Mid-East”] & Europe. It was the same “Peter” who wrote about God’s elect. Peter was carrying out Jesus’ great commission, even if he thought that God already knew everyone who would follow Him.
But, were only the apostles given the job of spreading the gospel? That’s doubtful. Simple mathematical logic would show that Christianity would have died out long ago if only the apostles told people about Jesus. A little earlier, just after Jesus miraculously fed over 5,000 people, He said, “Do not work for food that spoils; instead, work for the food that lasts for eternal life.John 6:27 What was that “work”? – Jesus answered, “What God wants you to do [the “work”] is to believe in the one he sent.” But how can someone believe if they have never heard about Him?
The Great Commission – Just before leaving this world, Jesus said: “Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20
This commission was given to Jesus’ 11 apostles, but it may apply to us still today. According to history and tradition, the 11 apostles covered only a small part of the earth before they died or were martyred. And some people say that there are some areas of the world where the Good News of Jesus still has not been published, even today. This may include some minority peoples right here in China, as well as other minorities around the world.
Now consider these commands, given by Jesus to all his followers during the famous “sermon on the mount” – Do not store up riches for yourselves here on earth, where moths and rust destroy, and robbers break in and steal. Instead, store up riches for yourselves in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and robbers cannot break in and steal. For your heart will always be where your riches are. You cannot be a slave of two masters; you will hate one and love the other; you will be loyal to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. Matthew 6:19-21 & 24
Consider the Parable of the Sower – The seed was the word of God. The soils were the hearts of people who would hear the gospel. And the audience – a multitude [large number] of people. Actually, many of Jesus’ parables centered around the theme of a faithful worker using his or her “talents” [skills and abilities] to bring treasure and honor to the King of Kings. I don’t suppose it could be any clearer that God wants us to tell the Good News to others. If you doubt it, I encourage you to read through one of the Gospel books—Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John.
Yes, a God who is not limited by time and space may already know those who will humble themselves and receive Jesus’ atonement. However, He has also entrusted us [His “children”] with talents/abilities which are to be used for eternal purposes as well as earthly ones.
My older sister used to sing this favorite song of hers – Only one life, and soon it will pass. Only what’s done for Christ will last. Only one chance to do His will. So, live for Jesus all your days – It’s the only life that pays, When you realize [that] you have but [only] one life.
Yes, the world may hate you for sharing the Good News of Jesus with others. But, if the thought of telling someone about Jesus scares you, be encouraged by the words of Jeremiah the prophet – “I [God] alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.” Jeremiah 29:11
And also the words of Jesus— “Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid.... I have told you this so that you will have peace by being united to me. The world will make you suffer. But be brave! I have defeated the world!” John 14:27 & 16:33
An old Greek-Christian blessing reads as follows: PAX Peace of Christ To you all!!