What is Servanthood Evangelism? Servant evangelism is one of the finest tools of potential outreach in the panoply of today's evangelistic method. One of its great strengths is its ability to take the fear out of sharing the gospel and of virtually eliminating the intimidation which some people feel.” Dr. Roy Fish, Evangelism Professor
On Servanthood Evangelism “Servanthood Evangelism is one of the most effective tools available for getting Christians out of the pew and into the community. When combined with intentional evangelism, it is one of the most powerful evangelism tools available to the twenty-first century church. Servanthood evangelism is not an end in itself, but is an essential part of any effective evangelism strategy.” Dr. John Yarbrough, Vice President of Evangelism North American Mission Board
Personal Definition of Servanthood Evangelism Servanthood evangelism is the ABC’s of evangelism (Attraction, Bridge, Communicate). Servanthood Evangelism becomes the bridge by which a believer builds a relationship in a short amount of time, with the sole purpose of communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ intentionally seeking a response for Christ. Dr. Victor H. Benavides Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Coordinator New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, Adjunct Faculty, Church Growth Consultant
Involves intentionally sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ seeking a response from lost people. Is a combination of simple acts of kindness in conjunction with the intent of presenting a simple Gospel story. Is carrying out acts of kindness creating opportunities for the greatest act of kindness, sharing the Gospel with a lost individual What is Servanthood Evangelism?
What Servanthood Evangelism is not Acts of kindness without a Gospel presentation. Just being kind to someone on the way to hell, to make they feel good. A cruel act of giving a lost person a cold bottle of water and failing to offer the Living Water of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Servanthood evangelism is more than Giving out bottled water without a Gospel presentation Raking leaves at a lost person’s house and not telling them about God’s gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ Fixing a lost person’s roof and not helping them to know God’s love and forgiveness found in Jesus Christ
Servanthood is Biblical Jesus performed acts of kindness to gain credibility for his ministry. Jesus fed the five thousand John 6:1-15, which led the people to ask if He was the Prophet to come, (v15) Jesus resuscitated Lazarus from the dead John 11:1-44, which caused Martha to proclaim “I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God…” (v27) “many of the Jews present who witnessed Jesus’ work, “ put their faith in him. ” (v45)
Servanthood Evangelism as part of your Church Evangelism Strategy Pray for the lost to be open and hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Psalm 126:5 (NASB) says, “Those who sow in tears will reap with joyful shouting.” Servanthood Evangelism plants the Gospel Seed, which results in a harvest. If you do not sow the Gospel Seed in lost souls, you will not have a harvest of souls. Servanthood Evangelism should be preceded by training church members how to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Servanthood Evangelism/Acts of Kindness with the Gospel continually plow the soils resulting in salvations.
Benefits of Servanthood Evangelism Leads to authentic evangelism conversations. Strengthens all the ministries in the church. Is a simple and inexpensive acts of kindness with a handful of members Works in both low, middle and high economic communities Can be contextualized Creates an entry for your members to get involved in evangelism Is a fun and rewarding ministry when kindness and the Gospel combined Creates opportunities for family and groups to serve the Lord
Principles for Effective Servanthood Evangelism Seek the God’s leading where to meet a need Recruit members to pray, plan, prepare and participate Have a dialogue for introducing your team and ministry in the community. “Hi, my name is Victor and we are with Noah’s Ark Church. We are in the community passing out tickets to a movie.” Upon starting the conversation, within three to five minutes transition to a Gospel presentation or dialogue. After sharing the Gospel ask individual to consider trusting in Jesus Christ. Invite to a Bible study, worship or/and event at church
Ideas for Crossover Servanthood Evangelism Evangelistic Block Party- Gospel is shared every 10 minutes. (all the music stops, and the focus is on the Gospel Personal Testimony Simple Gospel Presentation Gospel Story drama EvangeCube Short Evangelistic Movie: for both kids and adults Bottle Water with Romans Roads Three minute Testimony: at sign up booth for give aways Evangelistic Car Wash- refreshment tent
Ideas Continued Free Medical Clinic – recipients hear a short Gospel presentation before getting medical examines or work Evangelistic Illusionist show – Gospel shared by performer Evangelistic Sports Clinic – like upward sports with a Gospel presentation Door to Door Light bulb drop with a Gospel presentation, “Jesus is the Light of the World” Food Drop – recipients hear a Gospel presentation while a person gets their boxes of items Horse Shoe Ministry – share the Gospel while individuals wait for their names to be stamped
More Ideas Laundry Mat – pay to wash and dry clothes, short evangelistic Bible Story. Jazz Concert- with Gospel presentation Skate ramps with Gospel presentation Pet Grooming - Gospel presentation while owners wait
Most Important Information Get people’s information invite card registration card Prize give away card Sign up for free door prizes Follow up with all who give information Personal evangelistic visits still work Send post cards