Paul’s letter to the Romans Episode 4 A New Hope (Thessalonians, Corinthians, Galatians, Romans)
Paul's letter to the Romans2 Introducing Paul Who is Paul? Who is Paul? –Trained as a Pharisee at the feet of Gamaliel –Zealous persecutor of the early church –Benefactor of Stephen’s 93 word summary of the old testament, followed by his martyrdom –Convert by supernatural revelation –“A Citizen of two worlds”
Paul's letter to the Romans3 Introducing Romans Timing, source, and intention Timing, source, and intention –From Corinth, before his trip to Jerusalem –Written to a church he hoped to visit soon –Intended to address the question of Yahweh’s ( יהוה ) requirements of righteousness and justice, and how it is rightly attained (past, present, and future) through faith in Yeshua (יֵשׁוּעַ) ha-Mashiach (Jesus, the anointed one) Jesus Christ –A Powerful Message of Hope!
Paul's letter to the Romans4 Introducing Romans (continued) The scope or design of the apostle in writing to the Romans appears to have been, to answer the unbelieving, and to teach the believing Jew; to confirm the Christian and to convert the idolatrous Gentile; and to show the Gentile convert as equal with the Jewish, in respect of his religious condition, and his rank in the Divine favour. These several designs are brought into on view, by opposing or arguing with the infidel or unbelieving Jew, in favour of the Christian or believing Gentile. The way of a sinner's acceptance with God, or justification in his sight, merely by grace, through faith in the righteousness of Christ, without distinction of nations, is plainly stated. This doctrine is cleared from the objections raised by Judaizing Christians, who were for making terms of acceptance with God by a mixture of the law and the gospel, and for shutting out the Gentiles from any share in the blessings of salvation brought in by the Messiah. In the conclusion, holiness is further enforced by practical exhortations. The scope or design of the apostle in writing to the Romans appears to have been, to answer the unbelieving, and to teach the believing Jew; to confirm the Christian and to convert the idolatrous Gentile; and to show the Gentile convert as equal with the Jewish, in respect of his religious condition, and his rank in the Divine favour. These several designs are brought into on view, by opposing or arguing with the infidel or unbelieving Jew, in favour of the Christian or believing Gentile. The way of a sinner's acceptance with God, or justification in his sight, merely by grace, through faith in the righteousness of Christ, without distinction of nations, is plainly stated. This doctrine is cleared from the objections raised by Judaizing Christians, who were for making terms of acceptance with God by a mixture of the law and the gospel, and for shutting out the Gentiles from any share in the blessings of salvation brought in by the Messiah. In the conclusion, holiness is further enforced by practical exhortations. Source: Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary Source: Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary
Paul's letter to the Romans5 Introducing Romans (continued) A message of justification by grace through faith in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and hope in the promise of glory. A message of justification by grace through faith in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and hope in the promise of glory. –Romans 8: "whom He justified, them He also GLORIFIED." Glorification is guaranteed and in the mind of God it is already done!
Paul's letter to the Romans6 Examining chapter 1 The concept of “letters” The concept of “letters” –Deep theological undertones, meant to address specific and timely concerns –Spirit Inspired –There were no chapters and verses Romans is a letter and its context is in its complete message. We need to look at the big picture even as we dig into each section Romans is a letter and its context is in its complete message. We need to look at the big picture even as we dig into each section
Paul's letter to the Romans7 Romans Paul and the gospel –The origin of the gospel is God –The attestation of the gospel is scripture –The substance of the gospel is Jesus Christ –The scope of the gospel is all the nations –The purpose of the gospel is the obedience of faith –The goal of the gospel is the honour of Jesus’ name
Paul's letter to the Romans8 Paul and the Romans 1:7-13 He thanks God for them all He thanks God for them all He prays for them He prays for them He longs to see them He longs to see them He has often planned to visit He has often planned to visit
Paul's letter to the Romans9 Paul and evangelism 1: The gospel is a debt to the world The gospel is a debt to the world The gospel is God’s power for salvation The gospel is God’s power for salvation The gospel reveals God’s righteousness The gospel reveals God’s righteousness Hab 2:4 Hab 2:4
Paul's letter to the Romans10 Does Romans Apply To Us Today? To Be Continued… To Be Continued…