1 International Meeting On the Process of Common Formation for Brothers and Laypeople Les Avellanes May from the 14th to the 20th, 2007
3 Deepen our understanding of the specific identities of Brothers and Lay Marists, in sharing life: spirituality, mission, formation … XX General Chapter, 2001 (Choose life, 26 b)
4 We are convinced that the life-giving Spirit is leading us along a common path. (Choose life, 29a)
5 This will require Programs (Processus) of common formation for Brothers and Lay people. (Choose life, 29c)
6 To promote Marist vocations, Brothersand lay Marists. (Choose life, 42.5)
7 Create and extend formation programs for Brothers and lay people. Their priority: the deepening of Marist identity Brothers and lay people will draw up these programs together They are intended to promote what is specific in each vocation and what is complementary in a Church of communion (Choose life, 44.6)
8 Promote innovative experiences that require us to share our mission, spirituality and life with lay people. (Choose life, 44.8)
9 Establish, in the next few years, a process and the necessary structures (studies, meetings, networks, Secretariat, networks, Secretariat, International Commission...) which will help Brothers and lay people to make their Marist identity more explicit. (Choose Life, 47.2)
10 Create, as needed, structures to assist those Provinces or Districts experiencing difficulties in providing formation programmes for Brother and lay people together. (Choose life, 47.4)
11 The processes on commun formation of Brothers and formation of Brothers and Lay Marists, who are being developed in different developed in different provinces, constitute the main impelling force of the advance in the constitution advance in the constitution of a Marist Laity. of a Marist Laity. (VII General Conference, Sri Lanka, September 2005)
12 Proposal of the Commission of Laity: To make an international meeting of people in charge of programs of formation for brothers and lay people. (VII General Conference, Sri Lanka, September 2005)
13 El Consejo General, a solicitud del Secretariado de Laicos, da luz verde para un Encuentro Internacional Encuentro Internacional sobre Procesos de Formación Conjunta de Hermanos y Laicos. (Julio 2006)
14 The General Council, to request of the Bureau of the Laity, gives green light for an international meeting on the process of common on the process of common formation for brothers and laypeople. (July 2006)
16 1.To be aware of the need to promote the programmes of common formation for brothers and laypeople. 2.To share the principal existing Marist formation programmes for laypeople and brothers, for a mutual enrichment of each Administrative Unit and of the Institute.
17 3. To detect the essential elements of these formation programmes, as much in the aims as in the contents, methodology, experiences, etc. 4. To note the possible projects of the future of these programmes at the level of the entire Institute, of each region and of each Administrative Unit:
18 Una posible reorientación de las finalidades de algunos programas formativos. Ayudas mutuas entre UA. Ayudas puntuales a UA concretas que lo soliciten Programas de formación de formadores Cursos internacionales o regionales…
19 A possible reorientation of the aims of some formative programmes Mutual help between Administrative Units, Specific help to some concrete Administrative Units who request it, Formation programmes of formators, International or regional courses…