Part 4 40 Questions Questions about Iman
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #42 Was Iblees an angel? a.No, he was of the Jinns. b.Yes, of course. c.Only partly. d.None of the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #43 How did Shaitan tempt Adam and Hawwa? a.Sweet talking to them. b.Bribing them. c.Appealing to them. d.All the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #44 Can we see the angels? a.Yes. b.No. c.Sometimes. d.All the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #45 Who are the four archangels? a.Jibreel. b.Israfeel, Izra'eel. c.Mika’il. d.All the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #46 Which angel did Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) see? a.Israfeel. b.Mika’il. c.Jibreel. d.Izra'eel.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #47 How did angel Jibreel look like? a.Handsome figure. b.With bright colors. c.Filling the space between Heaven and earth. d.All the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #48 What is the name of Jibreel in English? a.Gabriello. b.Gabriel. c.Gaber. d.None of the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #49 Do angels eat and drink like us? a.Only when they get hungry. b.No, no need. c.Occasionally. d.Yes.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #410 Do angels have desires? a.Yes, of course. b.None, that is the way they were made. c.Sometimes. d.Maybe.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #411 Do the angels live forever? a.Yes, of course. b.No, the last will die before the resurrection. c.Only the archangel. d.Most of them.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #412 What were the angels created from? a.Energy of fire. b.Clay. c.Energy of light. d.Energy.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #413 Do angles have bodies like ours? a.Yes, but invisible. b.No, no shape. c.Yes. d.Some of them.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #414 Name four important angels. a.Jibreel, Jonathan, Izra'eel, Israfeel. b.Jibreel, Mika’il, Radhwan, Munkar. c.Jibreel, Izra'eel, Israfeel, Mika’il. d.Jibreel, Salman, Izra'eel, Israfeel.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #415 Tell us about the duties of the angels? a.Carry on assigned tasks. b.Glorify Almighty Allah. c.Take care of human messes. d.a and b above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #416 Which is the Holy Book of Islam? a.The Holy Quran. b.The bible. c.The Torah. d.The Psalms.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #417 Who revealed the Holy Books? a.Israfeel. b.Jibreel. c.Izra'eel. d.Mika’il.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #418 Did angel Jibreel reveal all the Holy Books? a.Yes, he is in charge of that. b.Only the Holy Quran. c.Some of them. d.The Quran and the Bible.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #419 Will angel Jibreel die on the Day of Judgment? a.Yes, as all creation. b.No, because he is an angel. c.Maybe. d.Probably.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #420 What is a revelation? a.Inspiration, mainly religious. b.Jibreel showing with a message to a Prophet. c.Any angel bringing a message. d.Happens to any good man.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #421 Did many revelations form a Holy Book? a.Quite a few. b.Numerous, some long some short. c.Only a few. d.One thousand.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #422 There are five Holy Books, will you mention them one by one? a.Holy Quran, Torah, Scrolls, Zaboor, Zen. b.Injeel + a above. c.b above but no Zen. d.None of the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #423 What Holy Book did Prophet Ibrahim come out with? a.Holy Quran. b.Torah. c.Scrolls d.Zaboor.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #424 What Holy Book did Prophet Isa come out with? a.Torah. b.Injeel (Gospel). c.Zaboor. d.Holy Quran.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #425 Name the Holy Book that Prophet Musa came out with. a.Zaboor. b.Injeel. c.Holy Quran. d.Torah.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #426 Name the Holy Book that Prophet Dawood came out with. a.Zaboor. b.Injeel. c.Torah. d.Quran.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #427 Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) came out with most detailed Holy Book. What is the name of that book? a.Torah. b.Holy Quran. c.Injeel. d.Zaboor.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #428 Why is the Quran the most complete Holy Book? a.Most detailed. b.Final Revelations. c.Corrected alterations put in the previous Holy Books. d.All the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #429 How was the Holy Quran collected? a.As soon as a new revelation came, it was written. b.Committed to memory. c.a and b above + written as a book later. d.Recorded on tape.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #430 Which Holy Book remains unchanged? a.The Holy Quran. b.The Bible. c.The Torah. d.The Injeel.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #431 In what language was the Holy Quran written? a.Arabic. b.Hebrew. c.Aramaic. d.Turkish.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #432 Why is the Holy Quran regarded as the miracle of the miracles? a.For its depth of meaning. b.Un-immutability. c.Uniqueness. d.All the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #433 Could anyone produce something similar to the Holy Quran? a.None has been able. b.Yes, a few people. c.Perhaps. d.All the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #434 Has the Holy Quran been translated to other languages? a.Yes, a few. b.Yes, almost all languages. c.No. d.Some of it.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #435 Are there many translations of the Holy Quran in English? a.Yes, a good many. b.Only one or two. c.About fifty five. d.No.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #436 What happens to its depth of meaning when the Holy Quran is translated to other languages? a.Meaning always reduced in spite of all efforts. b.Not changed. c.Some of it is lost. d.Slight reduction.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #437 The Holy Quran is divided into thirty divisions. What do we call each division? a.Ayah. b.Paragraph. c.Juzu'. d.Section.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #438 Juzu' is a Quranic division consisting of many sentences, what do we call each sentence? a.Surah. b.Ayah. c.c. Sentence. d.d. Paragraph.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #439 An Ayah is a Quranic sentence. Are the Ayahs numbered in the Quran? a.Yes, as they should. b.No. c.Some of them. d.Most of them.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #440 The Holy Quran consists of 114 chapters. What do we call each chapter? a.Ayah. b.Surah. c.Juzu'. d.Sentence.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #441 End of quiz a.You may go for the next set of questions about Iman or b.You may choose another topic c.Thank you and May Allah bless you.