The Quatro Plus Project A universal platform for machine-readable labels
Overview l What is Quatro Plus? Quatro History & Quatro Plus l Aims and Objectives l Who QUATRO Plus is aimed at l Tools provided in QUATRO Plus l Project schedule l Planned events and dissemination activities l Contact us
Quatro History The first QUATRO project Two year project October 2004 – 2006 Developed universal machine-readable labelling platform based on Semantic Web RDF technology for all labelling systems Provided three tools: QUAPRO – Quatro proxy for communicating label data ViQ – Visual interface for display of label information LADI – displays icons for labelled websites in search engine results Formed the basis of the first W3C Incubator
Quatro Plus l Quatro Plus is a 2 year follow-on project to further develop content labelling tools and promote the advantages of quality labels and trustmarks. l Q+ will make labelling of digital content easier for organisations & people authorised to award quality labels/trustmarks l Q+ will add social networking functionality to labelling, allowing users to express their opinions about labels and to view aggregated information about these opinions
Aims and Objectives l Improve the existing technologies by making the communication processes more secure and robust l Increase the functionality of the existing QUAPRO proxy and LADI and ViQ tools l Allow end users to record and share their opinions about a label’s description l Enable end users to create their own labels to share with friends and associates l Aggregate all available user-generated labels and opinions (without attribution) into an open source of data to provide useful information for end users l Provide labelling tools for domain experts and advice on the creation and maintenance of vocabularies l Develop simple to use tools for label creation l Promote the benefits of labelling
Who QUATRO Plus is aimed at l Labelling authorities Third parties who review websites, award quality labels/trustmarks and monitor for compliance l Experts Recognised domain experts whose opinions are valued l Ordinary web users People in social networks who want to share their opinions about labels with their peers
Original Quatro Architecture
Quatro+ Extended Architecture
Quatro Plus Tools 1 l Quatro's browser extension, ViQ, allows you to see whether the site you are on is labelled and, if so, whether that label has been authenticated by the labelling authority that issued it. To be extended in Q+ to support versions for Internet Explorer and Opera browsers. l The LADI search tool delivers results from either the Yahoo! or Google search engines with annotations next to websites that are labelled. Again, you can quickly see whether the labels detected are authenticated by the relevant labelling authority. Improvements in Q+ will be Integration with the ‘Add Search Engine’ functionality offered by Internet Explorer and Firefox, end user label information aggregation and information presentation.
Quatro Plus Tools 2 l QUAPRO Proxy which provides secure communication between LA databases, intranets, LADI and ViQ and other applications. Will be improved in Q+ to support user feedback and the sharing of users’ opinions and to semi-automate the addition of new Labelling Authorities. l Labelling & Annotation tool (new) Easy to use application to enable experts to create labels and annotations and for end users to record and share their views on specific labels l DaCC An API which is tailored to enable communication between QUAPRO and other applications such as Labelling Authority databases. More of these will be developed in Quatro+.
Project Schedule l Improvements to the existing QUATRO infrastructure [May 2008] l Conference to engage Labelling Authorities [2008] l Usability evaluation for improved infrastructure [July 2008] l QUATRO integration for intranets [October 2008] l First Project Assessment and results [December 2008] l Completion of the work on quality social networking and expert input for quality labels [June 2009] l Final assessment and usability testing of core interactive features [September 2009]
Planned events and dissemination activities l These will be announced on the website l Quatro Plus will be promoted at Safer Internet events such as Safer Internet Days, Awareness Nodes and Hotline seminars l We will also target organisations who are potential “labellers” l Hold a conference to engage labelling authorities in 2 nd half of 2008 (probably in partnership with a relevant event).
Contact us Project Manager, Sheena Bassett, at MDR Partners, 4 Henfold Cottages, Dorking, RH5 5AG, United Kingdom Tel: Technical Manager, Vangelis Karkaletsis, at NCSR, Patriarchou Grigoriou, Aghia Paraskevi, Attikis, Greece Tel: +30 (210)