Results of ageing tests C. Garabatos, GSI Experimental set-up TEDLAR ARALDIT 2013 Copenhagen, 2-3.09.02.


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Presentation transcript:

Results of ageing tests C. Garabatos, GSI Experimental set-up TEDLAR ARALDIT 2013 Copenhagen,

Ageing tests set-up P Anode signal HV IAIA 55 Fe O2TO2T Chamber Outgassing box

Readout and monitoring of relevant parameters

Conditions of tests Tedlar –Foil of ~ 2x0.25 m 2 in outgassing box –Surface-to-flow ratio: 3 h/cm –ALICE surface-to-flow: 5 h/cm ARALDIT 2013 –Four glass slides painted on both sides –Surface-to-flow ratio: 0.01 h/cm ____________________________________________ –No gas recirculation –No heating of sample

Result of TEDLAR test

Scan of chamber after tests

Conclusions The set-up and the sensitivity of our gas mixture to 'everything' makes it difficult to perform controlled ageing tests, although any significant degradation would be detected No ageing effect can be attributed to the materials tested so far