Hypernuclear Spectroscopy with Heavy Ion Collisions (HypHI) The HypHI Phase 0 experiment at GSI Eunhee Kim 1,2 for HypHI collaboration 2 1 Seoul National University, 2 GSI, Germany 1 ND April2010
Hypernuclei: Laboratory for baryon-baryon interaction with hyperon In order to understand baryon-baryon interaction under flavor SU(3), we need to investigate interactions involving nucleons and hyperons. Information of NN(nucleon-nucleon) interactions mainly obtained from NN scattering experiments. Lack of information on YN(hyperon-nucleon) and YY(hyperon-hyperon) interactions Difficulties to study YN and YY interactions by reaction experiments No hyperon target available due to short lifetime ( Y ~ s) Impractical to produce hyperon beams with proper energy Hypernuclei are bound nuclear system with hyperon. Hypernuclei can be used as a micro-laboratory to study YN and YY interactions. s u d s d d s d s s s s 00 2
Interests in hypernuclear physics Structure and decay of hypernuclei at extreme isospin Isospin dependence of YN and YY interactions Hypernuclear magnetic moments Property of hyperons in nuclear medium Hypernuclear radii Stability of hypernuclei 3 Not possible with conventional hypernuclear spectroscopy via the (K -, - ), ( +, K + ) and (e, e’K + ) reactions. A project of hypernuclear spectroscopy with heavy ion induced reactions on a stable target nucleus, the HypHI project. Reachable with heavy ion collisions.
HypHI project Projectile Target Hot participant zone Projectile fragment Hypernucleus Hypernuclear production in the HypHI project Energy threshold ~ 1.6 GeV for production (NN → Λ KN) - Stable heavy ion beams and RI beams with up to 2 A GeV can be achieved at GSI. The produced hypernucleus has as large velocity as the projectile fragment. Large Lorentz factor ( > 3) → longer lifetime → Hypernucleus in flight A new doorway for hypernuclear spectroscopy 4
HypHI at GSI/FAIR: Concept of experiments Time-of-Flight detectors Trackers N-detector K + counter Magnet n Residues p, K -Hypernucleus Mesonic weak decay : → - p Non-mesonic weak-decay : p → np Produced hypernucleus close to projectile velocity Large Lorents factor > 3 c ~ 20 cm at 2 A GeV target Magnet 5
Present hypernuclear landscape 6 Known hypernuclei
7 Phase 1 ( ) at GSI Proton rich hypernuclei Known hypernuclei 10 4 /week 10 3 /week Hypernuclear landscape with HypHI
8 Phase 1 ( ) at GSI Proton rich hypernnuclei Hypernuclear landscape with HypHI Known hypernuclei 10 4 /week 10 3 /week Phase 1 ( ) at GSI Proton rich hypernuclei Phase 2 (2017-) at R3B/FAIR Neutron rich hypernuclei
9 Hypernuclear landscape with HypHI Phase 1 ( ) at GSI Proton rich hypernnuclei Phase 1 ( ) at GSI Proton rich hypernuclei Phase 3 (201X-) at FAIR Hypernuclear separator Known hypernuclei 10 4 /week 10 3 /week With hypernuclear separator Magnetic moments Phase 2 (2017-) at R3B/FAIR Neutron rich hypernuclei
10 Hypernuclear landscape with HypHI Known hypernuclei 10 4 /week 10 3 /week With hypernuclear separator Magnetic moments Phase 0 experiment in 2009: Demonstrate the feasibility of precise hypernuclear spectroscopy with heavy ion beams ( 6 Li beam at 2 A GeV on 12 C target) Known hypernuclei 10 4 /week 10 3 /week With hypernuclear separator Magnetic moments Phase 1 ( ) at GSI Proton rich hypernnuclei Phase 1 ( ) at GSI Proton rich hypernuclei Phase 3 (201X-) at FAIR Hypernuclear separator Phase 2 (2017-) at R3B/FAIR Neutron rich hypernuclei
Phase 0 experiment To demonstrate the feasibility of the experimental methods of the HypHI project with 6 Li beams at 2 A GeV by producing and identifying light hypernuclei 3 H → 3 He + - 4 H → 4 He + - 5 He → 4 He + p + - ▶ Beam: 6 Li at 2 A GeV with an intensity of 5 x10 6 /s ▶ Active Target : 12 C with a thickness of 8 g/cm 2 ⊙ magnet direction (0.75 T) 3days in Aug. and 11days in Oct
ALADiN magnet 12 (0.75 T)
TOF start (Time-of-flight start) ▶ For beam particles ▶ Plastic fingers + small PMTs : 1 MHz beam rate per finger ▶ Time resolution: ~ 200 ps 5cm 13
Scintillating fiber detectors 14 ▶ 4352 fibers with a diameter of 0.83 mm ▶ HAMAMATSU H7260KS MOD readout ▶ X and Y tracking : Position resolution: 0.46 mm (RMS) ▶ For secondary vertex trigger D. Nakajima, B. Özel-Tashenov et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 608 (2009) 287 TR0TR1 TR2 3.8cm 24.5cm 11.3cm 13.2cm 7.6cm
Drift chambers 15 24cm 14cm 120cm 90cm Small DC Big DC ▶ Wire plane: xx’vv’uu’ ▶ Drift length: 2.5mm ▶ Typical resolution(RMS): 0.30 mm ▶ Gas: Ar 70% + CO 2 30% ▶ Insensitive in beam region by wrapping seinse wires with teflon ▶ Wire plane: XX’YY’U ▶ Drift length: XY 4.5mm, U 9.0mm ▶ Typical resolution(RMS): XY 0.30 mm, U 0.40mm ▶ Gas: Ar 70% + CO 2 30% ▶ Insesitive in beam region by connectiing sense and potential wires
ALADiN TOF wall 16 ▶ For - ▶ Plastic scintillators(96 bars)+ PMTs ▶ Time resolution: ~ 200 ps ▶ Y position calculated by the difference between top and bottom TDCs. 110cm 240cm
Big TOF wall (TFW) 17 ▶ For - ▶ X and Y layers (18 bars + 14 bars) ▶ Time resolution: ~ 200 ps (RMS) 150cm 188.5cm
TOF + wall 18 ▶ For and proton ▶ Plastic scintillators (16 bars × 2 layers) with a hole for beam + PMTs ▶ Time resolution: 357±3 ps (FWHM) ▶ Energy resolution : 18 % (FWHM) 1m 96cm hole : 7.5x6.5 cm 2
Problems and improvement of Phase 0 Problems of Phase 0 experiment Low efficiency of - detection in ALADiN TOF wall Many events for scattering particles from TOF+ holding structure 19 Phase 0.5 experiment ▶ Study of heavier hypernuclei ▶ Beam: 20 Ne at 2 A GeV with an intensity of 6 x10 5 /s ▶ Target : 12 C with a thickness of 8 g/cm 2 ▶ Performed in March 2010 Improvement of setup in March Movement of ALADiN TOF wall toward behind TOF+ wall - Cross-check positively charged particles with high energy deposition Movement of Big DC closer to Big TOF - Avoid improper operation from much high multiplicity caused by 20 Ne beam - Remove the background events from TOF+ holding structure
Phase 0.5 experiment 14 days in Mar ▶ Beam: 20 Ne at 2 A GeV with an intensity of 6 x10 5 /s to study light and heavier hypernuclei together ▶ Active Target : 12 C with a thickness of 8 g/cm 2 upstream downstream
Experimental performance Phase 0 with 6 Li beams Multiplicity in TR1 QDC in TOF+ Phase 0.5 with 20 Ne beams Multiplicity in TR1 QDC in TOF+ p Li C Ne O p 21
People working for HypHI Phase 0/0.5 GSI Helmholtz-University Young Investigators Group VH-NG-239 S. Bianchin O. Borodina (Mainz Univ.) V. Bozkurt (Nigde Univ.) B.Göküzüm (Nigde Univ.) E. Kim (Seoul Nat. Univ) A. Le Fevre D. Nakajima (Tokyo Univ.) B. Özel C. Rappold (Strasbourg Univ.) T.R. Saito (Spokes person) Mainz University P. Achenbach, J. Pochodzalla GSI HP2 and Mainz University F. Maas, Y. Ma GSI HP1 W. Trautmann GSI EE department J. Hoffmann, K. Koch, N. Kurz, S. Minami, W. Ott, S. Voltz GSI Detector Lab. M. Träger, C. Schmidt KEK T. Takahashi, Y. Sekimoto KVI M. Kavatsyuk Kyoto University T. Nagae Osaka University S. Ajimura, A. Sakaguchi, K.Yoshida Osaka Electro-Communication University T. Fukuda, Y. Mizoi Tohoku University T. Koike, H.Tamura Seoul National University H.Bhang, K. Tanida, M.Kim, C.Yoon, S.Kim Nigde University S.Erturk, Z.S.Ketenci Theoretical support T. Gaitanos (Giessen), E. Hiyama (RIKEN), D. Lanskoy (Moscow), H. Lenske (Giessen), U. Mosel (Giessen) 22