Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 PANDA, a new detector for hadronic physics at GSI (FAIR) Carsten Schwarz, GSI ● The FAIR facility HESR Storage ring for antiprotons ● Research with antiprotons Scientific goals PANDA Detector
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Existing Facility (GSI) Existing facility: UNILAC < 20 MeV/u SIS < 1-2 GeV/u ESR < 0.8 GeV/u
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research FAIR New facility: July 2002: positively evaluated by German Science Council Feb 2003: positive decision of BMBF (Ministry of Education & Research) April 2004: 2 nd call for LOIs June 2004: Presentation of LOIs to International Steering committee (ISC-FAIR) key tech. Features: ● cooled beams ● rapidly cycling superconducting magnets
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research FAIR Primary beams: GeV/u 238 U 28+ Factor over present in intensity /s 30 GeV protons /s GeV/u 238 U 73+
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 New Facility Secondary Beams: Broad range of radioactive beams up to GeV/u up to factor in intensity over present Antiprotons 3(0) - 30 GeV /s Storage and Cooler Rings: stored and cooled GeV antiprotons Radioactive beams e-A collider
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 High Energy Storage Ring for antiprotons Electron cooler E<8 GeV Detector Injection HESR High resol. Mode: L = cm -2 s -1 p/p < High lum. Mode: L = 2·10 32 cm -2 s -1 p/p < Cooling: electron/stochastic P max = 15 GeV/c L max = 2·10 32 cm -2 s -1 Ø < 100 m p/p < internal target Characteristics 70 m 185 m
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Scientific goals for p Medium modifications of D mesons and J/ in nuclei Charmonium spectroscopy Hybrids & Glueballs CP violation Hypernuclei
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Medium modifications of D and J/ pionic atoms KAOS/FOPI HESR K D Vacuumnuclear medium = 0 ++ -- K-K- K+K+ D+D+ D-D- 25 MeV 100 MeV 50 MeV ? Mass modifications of mesons Continuation of present GSI physics FOPI, KAOS, HADES, PANDA Signal: medium modification of production threshold, resonance width e.g. ', c2 Absorption cross section of J/ in nuclei ( = 0 ). PANDA
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Medium modifications of D and J/ Hayashigaki, Phys. Lett. B487 (2000) 96 ● Mass of cc expected to change only little ● Lowering of D masses change widths of Charmonium states close to threshold ● (1D) : = 24 MeV ● (2S) : = 0.28 MeV ● experiment: ● (1D) lepton pair spectroscopy (e + e - : i =10 -5 ) ● widths and yield of cc DD
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Medium modifications of D and J/ The expected signal: ● strong enhancement of the D meson crossection near threshold ● density ( ) and temperature (T=0) is known complementary to AA collisions A.Sibirtsev, K. Tsushima, A.W. Thomas: Eur. Phys. J. A6 (1999) 351
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Charmonium spectroscopy ● Charmonium gives information about QCD confinement potential. ● Many states are still missing. ● pp: direct population of all states. ● HESR allows investigation of states above DD threshold. ● Cooled beams with p/p=10 -5 allow high precision scan of resonances MeV3510 CBall ev./2 MeV 100 E CM CBall E E 835 ev./pb c1
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Charmonium spectroscopy Even on the ground state on the simplest parameters there are consistency problems Five new measurements published , four by e + e - experiments
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Charmonium spectroscopy CBALL 86 (2S)→ X 'c'c ±4.4 MeV BELLE 02 B→K (K S K + ) BELLE 03 e + e - →J/ X CLEO 03 →K S K + BABAR 03 →K S K + Mass (MeV) New measurements of mass are consistent! tot = (19 ± 10) MeV
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Charmonium spectroscopy Open problems: 5 new measurements of c mass States above DD thr. are not well established ' c unambiguously seen h 1c not confirmed
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Open charm D sJ *(2317) + BABAR: PRL (2003) Pote ntial mode l New obser vatio ns Old meas urem ents Unexpected surprises in the D S Spectrum |cs>+c.c. BABAR, Belle, CLEO-c
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Hybrids & Glueballs Normal meson: 2 fermions P = (-1) L+1 C = (-1) L+S Excited glue: bosonic degree of freedom → exotic quantum numbers eg. J PC =1 -+, 0 --, 0 +-, → normal quantum numbers Signal: exotic quantum numbers: partial wave analysis normal quantum numbers: model comparison (LGT) mixing with normal mesons charm sector: few resonances with small widths qqg ggg HybridGlueball qq Meson
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Hybrids & Glueballs In the light meson spectrum exotic states overlap with conventional states In the cc meson spectrum the density of states is lower and therefore the overlap
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Hybrids & Glueballs Crystal Barrel Non-qq candidates come with similar strength like qq resonances in pp. LQCD: m H = GeV PANDA: non exotic QN 10000/day exotic QN 100/day detection rate Filter for exotic QN 1 -+ : hybrid J/ X X=
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Hybrids & Glueballs Morningstar und Peardon, PRD60 (1999) Morningstar und Peardon, PRD56 (1997) 4043
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Hybrids & Glueballs Recently, different experiments have reported evidences of an exotic baryon with K + n quantum numbers: + (1540); ~ 18 MeV The + (1540) state cannot be a 3-quarks state. Its minimal quark content is (uudds) n → K (K + n) T.Nakano et al.,Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, (2003). K Xe →(K p)Xe V.V. Barmin et al.,hep-ex/ d (K p)(K + n) S. Stepanyan et al.,hep-ex/ Theorists [R.Jaffe & F.Wilzek (hep-ph/ ), M.Karliner & Lipkin (hep-ph/ )] predict charm and bottom analogues of the + (1540): c + with mass 2985 ± 50 MeV p could be a good tool to search for multiquark states
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Detector Formation of ' and decay in muons ' µ + µ - ' J/ + X µ + µ - similarly for electrons: → for large angles calorimeter needed. Acceptance of detector is guided by simulations
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 PANDA detector
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 PANDA detector side view
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Tracking: Micro Vertex Detector (MVD) 2 mio. forward pixels 100 x 150 m beam pipe pellet pipe Readout: ASICs (ATLAS/CMS) 0.37% X 0 or pixel one side - readout other side (TESLA) Layers 5 barrel, 5 end cap thickness200 m thick. 5 layers1-3.5 % X 0 resolution z m 7.2 mio. barrel pixels 50 x 300 m
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Tracking: Micro Vertex Detector (MVD) x y z D0D0 Z0Z0
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Tracking: Straw Tubes 9000 straw tubes 15 double layers 2-14 layers are with skew angle (4-9 o ) tube length : 1.5 m tube diameters : 4, 6, 8 mm x,y = 150 m z = 1 mm Example event pp → → 4K
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 PID: DIRC (Cerenkov) less space than aerogel costs of calorimeter no problems with field
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 PID: DIRC (Cherenkov) K eff. miss-id. reaction pp at s = 3.6 GeV/c 2 degree
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Forward RICH Search for good combination radiator photon detector magnetic field 4 10 cm Aerogel (n=1.02) visible light PD HPD C 6 F 14 (n=1.24) CsI coated photo cath. ( < 210 nm = UV) Proximity "focusing" compact detector
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Calorimeter PbWO 4 Length = 17 X 0 APD readout (in field) (E) = 1.54% / E ½ + 0.3% (PM) pp J/ +
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Pellet target Existing at WASA Frozen hydrogen pellets Target density: cm -2 pellet spread: ±0.04 o pellet rate: 70000/s pellet vel.: 60 m/s pellet size: µm similar target is being constructed at option: cluster jet target but cm -2 and pumps close to beam line 1 mm
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Realization / Costs Civil Construction~ 225 M Accelerator Components ~ 265 M Instrumentation and Major Detectors ~ 185 M (PANDA Detector ~ 32 M ) ~ 675 M ↗ 1000 M (including FTE + newprojects) Year 2005major money flow Year 2012 commissioning (PANDA) Year 2013 regular data taking (PANDA)
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Schedule
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Participating institutes with representatives in CB U Bochum U Bonn U & INFN Brescia U Catania U Cracow GSI Darmstadt TU Dresden JINR Dubna I + II U Erlangen NWU Evanston U & INFN Ferrara U Frankfurt LNF-INFN Frascati U & INFN Genova U Glasgow U Gießen KVI Groningen IKP Jülich I + II U Katowice LANL Los Alamos U Mainz TU München U Münster BINP Novosibirsk U Pavia U of Silesia U Torino Politechnico di Torino U & INFN Trieste U Tübingen U & TSL Uppsala ÖAdW Vienna SINS Warsaw 40 Institutes (32 Locations) from 9 Countries: Austria - Germany - Italy - Netherlands - Poland - Russia - Sweden - U.K. - U.S.
Journée Thématique IPN Orsay, 2004 Conclusions Thanks to the new FAIR HESR facility p will be used to produce... high resolution spectroscopy with p-beam in formation experiments: E E beam high yields of gluonic excitations: glueballs, hybrids, multi-quark states (100 pb - 1 b) in medium effects by implanting mesons inside the nuclear medium hyperon-antihyperon taggable beams