Abrasion -Fission The code operates under MS Windows environment and provides a highly user- friendly interface. It can be freely downloaded from the following.


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Presentation transcript:

Abrasion -Fission The code operates under MS Windows environment and provides a highly user- friendly interface. It can be freely downloaded from the following internet addresses:

The program has been developed to calculate the transmission and yields of fragments and fusion residues produced and collected in a spectrometer. LISE++ is the new generation of the LISE code, which allows the creation of a spectrometer through the use of different “blocks”. A “block” can be a dipole (dispersive block), a material, a piece of beampipe, etc. The LISE code may be applied at low-energy, medium- energy and high-energy facilities (fragment- and recoil- separators with electrostatic and/or magnetic selections). A number of these facilities like A1900 and S800 at NSCL, RIPS at RIKEN, LISE and SPEG at GANIL, FRS at GSI, COMBAS and ACCULINA at Dubna, based on the separation of projectile-like fragments are included or might be easily added to the existing optical configuration files. Application

Main features Fast analytical calculations Reaction mechanisms projectile fragmentation, fusion-evaporation, Coulomb fission, Abrasion-Fission Highly user­friendly environment Optics ( «Transport» matrices are used) Ion charge state distribution calculations (4 methods) Range and energy loss in material calculations (4 methods) Contribution of secondary reactions in the target Different selection methods (“Brho”, “Wedge”, velocity, “Erho”) In-built help support In-built powerful tools

In action

In-Flight Fission In the development of the fission mechanism in the LISE++ framework it is possible to distinguish the following principal directions: * Production cross-section of fragments * Kinematics of reaction products * Spectrometer tuning to the fragment of interest to produce maximal rate (or purification) High-energy secondary-beam facilities such as RIA, RIBF and GSI provide the technical equipment for a new kind of fission experiment. We need fast predictions of fission fragment intensities. A new model of fast analytical calculation of fission fragment transmission through a fragment separator has been developed in the framework of the LISE++ code.

Coulomb Fission Deexcitation channels for 238 U nuclei at 600 MeV/u excited by a lead target. The solid red curve represents fission decay. The blue dashed line represents 1n-decay channel, black dotted and green dot-dashed curves respectively 2n- and 3n-decay channels.



Abrasion-Fission: what is solution?

Fission excitation function

Three-excitation-energy-region model Partial and total mass distributions of Strontium fission fragments in the reaction 238 U(80MeV/u)+Be.

Total fission cross-sections of 238 U at relativistic energies Total fission cross-sections of 238 U at energies between 0.6 and 1 GeV per nucleon. See inset in the figure for details. LISE calculations were done for two prefragment excitation energy values and 27 MeV/dA.

238 U(1AGeV) + Pb T.Enqvist et al., Nucl.Phys. A658 (1999) 47-66

238 U(1AGeV) + p M.Bernas et al, Nucl.Phys. A725 (2003)

238 U(1AGeV) + p Measured and LISE calculated fission- fragment mean kinetic energies as a function of their proton for the data [Ber03] ( 238 U(1AGeV)+p).

208 Pb(1AGeV) + p T.Enqvist et al., Nucl.Phys. A686 (2001)

208 Pb(1AGeV) + d T.Enqvist et al., Nucl.Phys. A703 (2002)

Kinematics Selection LISE++ MCmethod LISE++ DistrMethod After target After dipole 238 U(920AMeV)+Pb(5g/cm 2 )-> 100 Zr Two different methods for fission fragment kinematics are available in LISE++: MCmethod and DistrMethod. DistrMethod is the fast analytical method applied to calculate the fragment transmission through all optical blocks of the spectrometer. MCmethod (Monte Carlo) has been developed for a qualitative analysis of fission fragment kinematics and utilized in the Kinematics calculator.

Selection 132 Sn fragment energy distribution after the second dipole obtained in the reaction 238 U(80MeV/u)+Be(80mg/cm 2). Two dimensional identification plot for fission fragments using an achromatic Be-wedge (60mg/cm 2 ). 81 Zn is selected by a red contour. Two dimensional identification plot for fission fragments without a wedge. Zinc isotopes are selected by a red contour.

Secondary Reactions, Optimum target Includes the reaction coefficient of losses and the secondary reactions contribution coefficient Optimal target thickness of Tin isotopes produced in the fission of 238 U(1AGeV, 1pnA) on a Be-target taking into account secondary reactions’ contributions.

Summary Welcome to the LISE site to see details! Register in LISE’s sites to get information about new versions of the code or The authors thank for the help in developing Coulomb fission model in the program: Matthew Amthor (NSCL/MSU) Brad Sherrill (NSCL/MSU) Michael Thoennessen (NSCL/MSU) Jorge Pereira Conca (NSCL/MSU) Marc Hausmann (NSCL/MSU) Helmut Weick (GSI) and… DOE #DE-FG03-03ER41265 grant NSF #PHY grant The authors thank for the help in developing Coulomb fission model in the program: Matthew Amthor (NSCL/MSU) Brad Sherrill (NSCL/MSU) Michael Thoennessen (NSCL/MSU) Jorge Pereira Conca (NSCL/MSU) Marc Hausmann (NSCL/MSU) Helmut Weick (GSI) and… DOE #DE-FG03-03ER41265 grant NSF #PHY grant A new model of fast analytical calculation of fission fragment transmission* through a fragment separator has been developed in the framework of the LISE++ code. The LISE++ program has become an important tool for the planning experiments at different laboratories around the world (RIBF,RIA,GSI). Next steps: secondary reactions in wedge, secondary target, RF-kicker, Monte Carlo transmission. * kinematics of fission products, production cross-section of fragments (Abrasion-Fission & Coulomb fission), spectrometer tuning