REGIONAL FUNDING ADVICE What’s it all about? Thoss Shearer 17 October
REGIONAL FUNDING ADVICE Regions to advise on inter-related and inter- dependent public spending decisions Long term funding assumptions to assist strategic planning Indicative – not guaranteed beyond 3 years but a guide 2005 round covered housing transport and economic development
RFA AND IMPACT OF SNR Commitment to a second expanded exercise: more power to advise on priorities that drive growth Additional funding streams for housing and regeneration, transport and economic development Integration of skills advice (but not money!) Stronger linkage to PSAs 1st step in implementation of SNR drawing stronger links between strategy and delivery
Opportunity to influence use of around £9.9 billion for SW to 2018/ /9 – 2010/11 CSR - Firm allocations 2011 – 2019 Longer term planning assumptions Scenario planning expected +/- 10% Mainly capital (restrictions on revenue) ERDF – ring fenced Housing & regen includes funds which will transfer to HCA RFA2 RESOURCES
RFA year firm allocations covering CSR £MTransptHousing Regen RDAERDFTOTAL 2008/ / /
RESOURCES 2011 – 19 Longer term assumptions Headline figures. Capacity to switch funds 11/1212/1313/1414/1515/1616/1717/1818/19 RFA ERDF
RFA 1 RESPONSE SW pick of the bunch Regional Infrastructure Fund Joint Delivery Teams - East of Exeter etc. Transport – very strong
A WORD ON SKILLS…. Regions to advise on skills priorities as part of the overall package of regional funding advice. 3 year focus RSP is the mechanism to advise on skills/training priorities. LSC advice and input is also critical
HANDLING, PROCESS AND FORMAT Submitted to Regional Minister by end Feb Format: evidence base, programmes of investment - 35 pages limit! Regions to determine their own approach Advice to represent the region and reflect a wide range views eg SEE partners, sub-regions, etc
REGIONAL MINISTER AND GO ROLE Regional Minister : Works with partners to broker/develop priorities Formally receives advice and takes into Government GO Role: Facilitator Flagging up issues with Whitehall Supporting the Regional Minister
ISSUES/CHALLENGES Getting to priorities: In advance of a clearly stated and owned Single Regional Strategy – Regional Spatial Strategy Handling/Co-ordination: Cross- boundary issues Skills: How to integrate within overall advice? Ownership Transition: ?
TIMETABLE RFA regional proposals to Regional Minister, Ben Bradshaw, by end of Feb