B. KetzerGEM-TPC GEM-TPC Meeting Bernhard Ketzer Technische Universität München 14 February 2008 Telephone Conference.


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Presentation transcript:

B. KetzerGEM-TPC GEM-TPC Meeting Bernhard Ketzer Technische Universität München 14 February 2008 Telephone Conference

B. KetzerGEM-TPC Agenda 1.Communications (B. Ketzer) 2.Design of fieldcage and endplate (B. Voss) 3.Design of drift and GEM foils (F. Garcia, t.b.c) 4.Status of n-XYTER chip (B. Voss) 5.Status of AFTER chip (I. Konorov) 6.Test setup at ELSA (A. Winnebeck) 7.Beam tests in 2008/ a.o.t.

B. KetzerGEM-TPC Communications JointGEM proposal accepted within I3HP2 total sum 1.1 M€ (cut by 50%), to be submitted to EU end of February Proposal to G-PAC at GSI PANDA prototype TPC test in FOPI in 2009 presentation at G-PAC Meeting on 5 March New Postdoc (Xiaodong ZHANG, Lantzou) at TUM E18 from 10 March on Next meeting: 4 March, 9:00-12:00 at GSI (PANDA coll. week)

B. KetzerGEM-TPC MoU for TPC prototype Participating institutes: TUM E18, TUM E12, HIP, SMI, GSI det. lab, HISKP, FOPI Build two identical detectors: PANDA prototype CB-ELSA central tracker Responsibilities, financing 2009 prototype TPC ready testing and commissioning (FOPI / ELSA) 2010 physics run in FOPI installation and commissioning in CB-ELSA 2011 – 2012 physics run in CB-ELSA

B. KetzerGEM-TPC Tasks - Responsibilities TUM E18TUM E12HIPSMIGSIFOPIHISKP Field cage, support  GEM detectors  FEE  ()() Gas system  Calibration system()() Slow control  Optimization  Reconstruction  DAQ  Commissioning 

B. KetzerGEM-TPC Cost for TPC prototype TUM E18 TUM E12 HIPSMIGSIHISKPFOPITotal (k€) Mechanics20 Field cage30 HV system20 Gas system30 GEM detectors20 Calibration system20 Slow control10 FE electronics100 Readout50 Infrastructure Total300

B. KetzerGEM-TPC PANDA TPC Work Packages Subdetector work package Costs (k€)Responsible Institution Funding available (k€) Funding applied / intended to apply (k€) Funding agency Mechanical support 500GSI, INFN 500Italy Field cage600GSI, OEAW 600HGF HV system200GSI 200HGF Gas system200OEAW 200Austria GEM detectors200HIP 200Finland Calibration system 300OEAW 300Austria, others Slow control200OEAW 200Austria Front-end electronics 1500TUM, GSI 1500BMBF, HGF Readout & feature extraction 500TUM 500BMBF General infrastructure 200FAIR 200 Total4400