About Me Grainne Gilson Schools Projects and Consumer Engagement Officer Food Standards Agency Scotland (FSAS)
FSAS Update Food Standards Scotland Food Hygiene Training Funding Food Information Regulation Healthy Eating Tutorial New School Resources CookinCastle
Food Standards Scotland (FSS) FSAS currently operates within the UK FSA. In June 2012 Scottish Ministers agreed to create a new food body for Scotland, Food Standards Scotland. FSS will be an independent, evidence based and transparent body. FSS will be a non-ministerial office, allowing operational autonomy from Scottish Ministers however; FSS still accountable to the Scottish Parliament. FSS Vesting Day – 1 April 15
Why Food Standards Scotland? FSS will replace FSA in Scotland and carry out its current functions Food and feed safety and standards Diet & Nutrition Food Labelling Meat Inspection Policy & Operational Delivery Oversight of LA delivery and audit Being FSS will let us, contribute to the Scottish Governments purpose: Tackling poor diet and food-borne diseases to help people in Scotland live longer, healthier lives. Being more efficient and more responsive to Scottish circumstances, helping to ensure that our public services are high quality, continually improving and efficient Supporting growth of the Scottish food and drink industry by providing a strong, international reputation for safe, quality food through proportionate regulation
European Food Information for Consumers Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 Brings together general food labelling and nutrition labelling into one piece of legislation. Most of the general labelling requirements apply from 13 December 2014, with mandatory nutrition declarations needed for most prepacked foods from 13 December Basic Principles: –Protection for consumers’ health & interests. –Food information should not be misleading –Assist in the free movement of foodstuffs – EU Internal Market.
Some of the changes… Allergens Prepacked foods- New requirement to emphasise allergenic foods in the ingredients list. Unpackaged foods- Allergen information will be required for food sold non- prepacked, including in catering situations. (Provided verbally or in hardcopy.) Nutrition From 13 December 2016, nutrition labelling will be required for most prepacked foods. Small change to format (Order of nutrients, salt used in place of sodium) A new voluntary Front of Pack (FOP) nutrition labelling approach.
More information European Commission (FIC Regulation and Commission Q & A) htm Nutrition Labelling Guidance On line training training-online/ FSA advice FSA allergy pages for tools, advice and guidance: advice/allergyintol/ advice/allergyintol/ Allergy E-learning Consumer advice
Food Hygiene Training - Secondary School Students Delivered in Partnership with the Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS). 100% uptake since August Schools have received funding. Deliver Food Hygiene Training to approx. 17, 000. Elementary Food Hygiene Training - over 12,000 students. Introduction to Food Hygiene Training - over 4,000 students.
Content derived from key government recommendations on healthy eating Suitable for anyone involved in healthy eating initiatives and delivering healthy eating messages. Delivered in 4 short modules: Module 1: Why a healthy balanced diet is important. Module 2: What a healthy balanced diet looks like. Module 3: How to achieve a healthy balanced diet. Module 4: Test (with printable certificate on successful completion) Where we are currently: Prototype completed in POWER POINT but will be converted to web version for inclusion on our new FSS website Testing the content, including the questions with end users. Online Healthy Eating Tutorial- in development
New School Resources Event Feedback Teachers Panels Teachers Dream Resources FSA Messages Teachers Food Cards Teachers Guide Teachers Requested by Teachers, Informed by Teachers, Approved by Teachers
New School Pack Provide teachers with support in delivering the health and wellbeing areas of the Curriculum of excellence Schools Pack includes: Pack of Food Cards 4 Food Safety Scenes & Stickers (2 Food Storage & 2 Kitchen) 2 Teachers Guides
Food Cards 125 Food Cards Raw Ingredients/Meal Cards Front- Real life image Back- Snippets of Information Used to introduce: Nutrition Safe and hygienic practices Food and the consumer
Food Safety Scenes You can use the Posters to introduce: Food Storage Basic principles of safe food Practices 4C’s Cleaning Cooking Chilling Cross Contamination
Teachers Guide Activities clearly laid out with accompanying worksheets Activities matched to experiences and outcomes FSA Key messages - healthy eating, labelling, food safety & allergies
Currently looking at mapping resources to other areas of the curriculum in the a similar way.
Secondary Schools Home economics teachers involved throughout the development. Suggested uses –S1- S3 classes (Adapt for different abilities) –Clear and concise messages – Diet, Labelling, Food Safety and Allergens. –Catering Staff – Whole School Food Approach –Cluster School Visits
CookinCastle Online Interactive Game 8-12 year olds (enjoyed by all ages) Food hygiene and Nutrition. Suitable for smart board, desktop and tablets. Leader Board- Awards for top class/school at different times of the year.
Let the games begin… School specific personalised login Adaptable to suit class needs/time
Homepage The Kitchen
Meal PlanningCooking up a storm…
Results/Feedback Top of the table
Don’t forget about… Other FSA FREE Resources: Food Route: A Journey Through Food Eatwell Floor Mat Sack of Games
How can you get one? Send us a with yours and your schools details- Thank you for listening…