NPAFC international cooperative research designates the distribution of Asian and North American chum salmon stocks in the Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean Unimak Island Shigehiko Urawa National Salmon Resources Center Sapporo, Japan
Tomonori Azumaya, Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute, Japan Penny Crane, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Anchorage, USA Jim Seeb, ADF&G, Anchorage, USA Lisa Seeb, ADF&G, Anchorage, USA Dick Wilmot, NMFS, Auke Bay, USA Syuiti Abe, Hokkaido Univ., Hakodate, Japan Coauthors
The North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission (NPAFC) was established to promote the conservation of anadromous Pacific salmon stocks in the ocean. One of its principal activities is international cooperative research by member countries (Canada, Japan, Korea, Russia, and USA). NPAFC cooperative research on the genetic stock identification (GSI) to determine the distribution and migration of Pacific salmon in the Bering Sea is ongoing with a financial support from the North Pacific Research Board (NPRB Project #R0303). NPAFC Cooperative Genetic Research
PURPOSE Determine the origin of chum salmon caught in the Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean by genetic and otolith marks Estimate the marine distribution and biomass of chum salmon by stocks
METHODS Fish were caught by 1-h trawl (5 knots) at 63 stations in the Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean during August and September Tissue samples were collected from chum salmon (n=2294), and run for 20 allozyme loci to estimate the stock composition of mixtures. Otoliths were collected from chum salmon (n=2803), and examined for mark pattern to determine the hatchery origin.
Reporting Regions of Chum Salmon for Genetic Stock Identification (GSI) in Mixture Fisheries 160W140W180160E140E120W 40N 50N 60N ASIA (44 stocks) 1. Japan (29 stocks) 2. Sakhalin (3 stocks) 3. Premorye (1 stock) 4. Amur (1 stock) 5. Northern Russia (10 stocks) NORTH AMERICA (84 stocks) 6. NW Alaska summer (16 stocks) 7. Fall Yukon (7 stocks) 8. Alaska Peninsula/Kodiak (40 stocks) 9. Susitna (1 stock) 10. Prince William Sound (4 stocks) 11. SE Alaska/North BC (8 stocks) 12. South BC/Washington (8 stocks)
Stock estimates Estimates were made to individual 128 stocks by using the Statistical Package for Analyzing Mixture (SPAM) with 1,000 bootstrap resamplings, and then pooled to regional stock groups. Simulation studies indicated that most reporting regions showed greater than 90% accurate when true group contributions were 100%.
Bathymetry and Sampling Locations in the Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean
Sampling gear: Surface trawl net (approximately 50 m in width & depth) Kaiyo maru
Mean CPUE of Pacific Salmon in the Bering Sea and Adjacent North Pacific Ocean August/September 2003 CPUE = number of catches per 1 h trawl
CPUE Distribution of Chum Salmon August/September 2003 CPUE = number of catches per 1 h trawl 170W180170E 50N 60N 160E 160W 55N Bering Sea North Pacific Ocean 150W140W X x x x x
Percent Composition of Maturing and Immature Chum Salmon. August/September W180170E 50N 60N 160W 55N 150W140W North Pacific Ocean Bering Sea 175E175W165W155W145W n=120 n=84 n=31 n=29 n=56 n=120 n=84 n=60 n=117 n=120 n=94 n=58 n=104 n=120 n=60 n=69 n=103 n=84 n=112 n=79 n=60 n=80 n=25 Maturing fish Immature fish
170W180170E 50N 60N 160W 55N 150W140W North Pacific Ocean Bering Sea 175E175W165W155W145W n=120 n=84 n=30 n=29 n=118 n=116 n=83 n=60 n=113 n=119 n=93 n=56 n=103 n=120 n=57 n=103 n=60 n=69 n=66 n=112 n=79 n=60 n=66 n=24 Continental Origins of Immature Chum Salmon estimated by GSI August/September 2003 AsiaNorth America
170W180170E 50N 60N 160W 55N 150W140W North Pacific Ocean Bering Sea 175E175W165W155W145W GSI-estimated CPUE Distribution of Immature Chum Salmon Stock: Japan CPUE = number of catches per 1 h trawl X
GSI-estimated CPUE Distribution of Immature Chum Salmon Stock: Russia CPUE = number of catches per 1 h trawl 170W180170E 50N 60N 160W 55N 150W140W North Pacific Ocean Bering Sea 175E175W165W155W145W X
GSI-estimated CPUE Distribution of Immature Chum Salmon Stock: Fall Yukon CPUE = number of catches per 1 h trawl 170W180170E 50N 60N 160W 55N 150W140W North Pacific Ocean Bering Sea 175E175W165W155W145W Yukon River X
GSI-estimated CPUE Distribution of Immature Chum Salmon Stock: Northwest Alaska Summer CPUE = number of catches per 1 h trawl 170W180170E 50N 60N 160W 55N 150W140W North Pacific Ocean Bering Sea 175E175W165W155W145W X
GSI-estimated CPUE Distribution of Immature Chum Salmon Stock: Alaska Peninsula & Kodiak Island 170W180170E 50N 60N 160W 55N 150W140W North Pacific Ocean Bering Sea 175E175W165W155W145W X
GSI-estimated CPUE Distribution of Immature Chum Salmon Stock: Prince William Sound (PWS) CPUE = number of catches per 1 h trawl 170W180170E 50N 60N 160W 55N 150W140W North Pacific Ocean Bering Sea 175E175W165W155W145W X X X
GSI-estimated CPUE Distribution of Immature Chum Salmon Stock: Southeast Alaska & North BC 170W180170E 50N 60N 160W 55N 150W140W North Pacific Ocean Bering Sea 175E175W165W155W145W X X
GSI-estimated CPUE Distribution of Immature Chum Salmon Stock: South BC & Washington CPUE = number of catches per 1 h trawl 170W180170E 50N 60N 160W 55N 150W140W North Pacific Ocean Bering Sea 175E175W165W155W145W X X
Number of otolith-marked chum salmon fry released from hatcheries Brood Year Millions NPAFC Salmon Mark WG database
170W180170E 50N 60N 160W 55N 150W140W North Pacific Ocean Bering Sea 175E175W165W155W145W Distribution of Otolith-marked Immature Chum Salmon August/September 2003 JapanRussiaGastineauHidden FallsW.H. Noerenberg
Stock-Specific Ocean Distribution in Summer/Fall Japanese stock is distributed in the central Bering Sea. Russian stock has a similar distribution as Japanese, but also spread in the North Pacific. Northwestern Alaska stocks are distributed mainly in the eastern North Pacific waters. Alaska Peninsula/Kodiak stock is widely distributed in the Bering Sea and North Pacific. Southeastern Alaska/north BC stock appears in the eastern North Pacific and south Bering Sea. SUMMARY
Abundance of food organisms Interactions within or among species Ocean conditions (water temperature, salinity, depth, current etc.) Timing and location of spawning Winter habitat Factors affecting the ocean distributions of salmon
The present research is funded by the North Pacific Research Board and the Fisheries Agency of Japan. Acknowledgements Thanks!!