CSU/CFA bargaining 18 months of bargaining CSU declared impasse, Sep. 15, 2006 PERB (Public Employees Review Board) has certified the impasse Pending appointment of a mediator by the State Mediation and Conciliation Services Mediation – Fact Finding
CSU Salary Proposal : 4.0% GSIs (General Salary Increases) : 5.53% GSIs+1% “merit” : 5.84% GSIs+1% “merit” : 6.5% GSIs+ 1% “merit” TOTAL = 24.87%??
Their 24.87% package includes 4% that would be subtracted to “purchase” SSIs (Service Salary Increases) for some of our faculty with the GSIs of all %
Another 3% of the “package” would be contingent on an additional allocation from the Governor and legislature beyond the “compact.” 17.87%
Another 3% allocated to an undefined “merit” program. The administration gets unfettered discretion to hand out raises Leaves faculty with no meaningful appeal rights %
In reality, the package amounts to 14.87% in salary increases that most faculty could count on for the next FOUR years. (3.71% per year)
CFA SALARY PROPOSAL GSI 4.0% SSI* For all eligible EQUITY**.5 pool * SSI = 2.65% ** Defined equity program provides opportunity for classes of faculty to address the “experience penalty.” Decisions grievable.
CFA SALARY PROPOSAL GSI 4.25% SSI ALL faculty* Equity.5 pool PPI**.5 pool * All faculty in all ranks would get this 2.65% SSI. CFA figures that this raise will cost the CSU 1.25% in new money. **Post Promotion Increase every three years “topped out” faculty eligible for an increase based on satisfactory performance in teaching and service. Decisions grievable.
CFA SALARY PROPOSAL GSI 4.5% SSI ALL faculty Equity.5 pool PPI.5 pool
CFA SALARY PROPOSAL GSI 5.25% SSI ALL faculty Equity.5 pool PPI.5 pool
CFA’S Priority: Fix the Broken Salary System Too many faculty are trapped by salary compression They have been t rapped at the top step for years
Fix the Broken Salary System Too many faculty are trapped by salary inversion. Faculty who have been hired in the last few years make less than newly hired colleagues, aka an experience penalty.
Executive Salary Increases Average increase for CSU campus presidents: 14% Monthly car allowance increased: 33% Housing allowance increased: 89% Total compensation increase just for 2005: 19%
CPEC salary gap for CSU faculty Rank Projected Professor 22.6% 26.7% Asso. Prof. 9.4% 12.6% Assi. Prof. 9.0% 12.5% Instructor 2.6% 5.0% ALL RANKS 14.4% 18.0%
Cal Poly Student Enrollment (FTES) , ,286 % change %11
Instructional Faculty (FTEF) Cal Poly 2000 (all) (all) 863 % change 3% Tenure line Faculty %change -3%
Management Positions (mpp) Cal Poly 2000 (FTE) (FTE) 148 % Change 12% Salary cost (mpp) 2000 $11,787, $14,239,770 % Change 21%