Breaking the Cycle: Reducing Reoffending


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Presentation transcript:

Breaking the Cycle: Reducing Reoffending John Hall Deputy Director, Reducing Reoffending Portfolio

What is the problem? Reoffending is high with a lack of accountability within the system and too much central control Sentencing is too complex and too difficult for the public to understand The justice system needs to contribute to the deficit reduction plan Reoffending imposes a significant cost to society and the CJS. The NAO estimate £7-£10 billion for short term offenders alone

What is the extent of the problem? Just over a quarter of offenders go on to re-offend within a year (a pretty stable trend for the past decade) For ex-prisoners, the picture is even worse (46.9% reoffend within 1 year, up to 56.6% for short sentenced prisoners) Recently published reoffending figures however show some progress in respect of prolific offenders (adults with 25 or more previous offences show a fall of 3.5 percentage points in 2010), offenders receiving courts orders (a fall of 3.7 percentage points) and 21 to 24 year olds (a fall of 3.2 percentage points) Recent MOJ research findings due to be published next month tend to confirm that lack of work, poor education, unstable accommodation and family ties and poor health are linked to re-offending; and that early intervention may prevent a criminal career downstream.

The Breaking the Cycle Green Paper Published in December 2010 Consultation ran until 4 March 2011 Over 1,200 responses received Government response published on 21 June and introduced the Legal Aid, Sentencing, and the Punishment of Offenders Bill Responses helped shape policy on reforming the criminal justice system

What did the Green Paper say? The Green Paper covered the following themes: Punishment and Payback Rehabilitating offenders to reduce crime Payment by results Sentencing Working with communities to reduce crime Youth justice

Government response Punishment Payback Progression Prisons to be places of meaningful work and training Overhaul community sentences Payback Reparation / financial penalties Restorative Justice Community Payback Progression Get offenders off drugs and alcohol for good Address offenders mental health problems Get more offenders into work and settled housing Competition and payment by results Integrated Offender Management

Taking the rehabilitation programme forward Focus on the following themes: Rehabilitating offenders, particularly through work and tackling drugs, alcohol and mental health issues Reforming the system through payment by results and the probation review

Employment and Skills Issue: Our Response: Approximately 75% of those leaving prison have no job to go to, and two years after release 47% are claiming out of work benefits Our Response: From March 2012 offenders leaving custody and claiming Jobseekers Allowance will go straight to the Work Programme. We will also pilot paying Work Programme providers to reduce re-offending. Reform of offender learning – more focus on employability and links with employers.

Work in Prisons Issue: Too many prisoners are able to pass their time in prison in a state of enforced idleness, with little or no constructive activity 13% of prisoners in England and Wales have never had a paid job Response: We want prisons in the UK to become places of meaningful work and training: where many more prisoners work for up to 40 hours per week, and possibly beyond where money deducted from prisoners earnings is used for reparation at no additional burden to the taxpayer Our plans will increase the number of prisoners engaged in meaningful and productive work within the discipline of regular working hours, and through improving skills for sustained employment aid rehabilitation on release A number of prisons have become ‘early adopters’ introducing longer working weeks. Examples of early adopters: HMP Manchester’s Laundry employing 28 prisoners and Printing industry workshop of 35 prisoners are consistently achieving average working weeks of between 30 and 40 hours HMP Maidstone where a working week of up to 36 hours has been introduced to the Printing industry workshop employing up to 95 prisoners

Health Issue: Approximately 55% of those entering prison have a serious drug problem and around 40% of sentenced prisoners have mental health problems Our Response: We are working closely with the Department of Health to reshape drug treatment services and deliver the commitments outlined in the Breaking the Cycle Green Paper agenda including: piloting drug recovery wings and increasing the number of drug free environments; supporting the development of payment by results approaches for recovery; working with the Department of Health and other Government departments to develop a new Alcohol Strategy; rolling out liaison and diversion services in police custody suites and at courts by 2014 (subject to business case approval); exploring options for intensive, treatment based alternatives to custody; and creating more flexible and robust community sentences

Health: Getting offenders off drugs and alcohol Drug Recovery Wings focus on short sentenced offenders. Promote abstinence and being drug free and connect offenders with community drug recovery services on release. Drug and Alcohol Recovery pilots Support DH to co-design to design and implement pilots in eight local areas to assess whether paying on the basis of results can further incentivise the delivery of recovery, including reducing offending. More effective and robust community sentences increase the use and allow greater flexibility of drug rehabilitation requirement (DRR) and alcohol treatment requirement (ATR) requirements Alcohol Strategy Working closely with the Department of Health and other government departments to develop the alcohol strategy.

Health: Early identification of offenders mental health problems Liaison and diversion Working with the DH and the Home Office to deliver the Governments commitment to diverting offenders with mental health problems from criminal justice system at the earliest opportunity, where appropriate. Exploring options for intensive, treatment based alternatives to custody looking to test options for intensive community-based treatment alternatives to custody for offenders, including those with mental health issues or drug dependency. More effective and robust community sentences making it easier for courts to use the mental health treatment requirement as part of community orders by simplifying the assessment process and ensure that those who require treatment receive it as early as possible.

Payment by results to reduce reoffending The Coalition Agreement: We will move to a new approach to pay providers to reduce reoffending, paid for by the savings this will generate for the criminal justice system What are the principles of PBR? Focus on outcomes Transfer risk, the commissioner pays for what works Enable innovation Diversify the market Measurable

Payment by results – progress to date Phase I – testing the concept Peterborough Social Impact Bond (Social Finance) Doncaster Prison pilot (Serco) Justice reinvestment pilots (Greater Manchester and 5 London Boroughs) Pilots planned in the public sector prison estate Two community pilots Piloting as part of the DWP Work programme Innovation pilots Phase II – implementation at scale Increasing the focus on outcomes for all providers by 2013 Implementing the principles across the system by 2015

Probation Review The MoJ is taking forward a review of probation services aimed at delivering more effective and efficient services. The purpose of this work is to set a clear long term direction for probation services which is consistent with the Government’s priorities for wider reform of the justice sector, including increased competition, taking forward payment by results and changes to wider structures and accountabilities at local level. The review is also contributing to the work we are doing to find further efficiencies across all justice services. We intend to consult on our proposals shortly.

Breaking the Cycle: Reducing Reoffending John Hall Deputy Director, Reducing Reoffending Portfolio