The Gathering 23 February 2011 Mike Martin Partnership Improvement and Outcomes Division
Doing it right – getting it wrong!!!
WHY we need to ‘Reshape’ Care: Sustainability – Rapidly ageing population – Declining public finances Desirability – Promoting independence not dependence
PAUSE FOR THOUGHT: More of the same will cost an extra £1.1 billion by 2016 – where will this come from? Over 1/3 of all money spent on health/social care for over 65’s is on emergency hospital admission [£1.4 billion out of £4.5 billion each year] 89.5% of people over 65 yrs are not in the ‘care system’ [97% of people between yrs] 3,000 people 65 yrs+ receive more than 20hrs paid care per week 40,000 people 65 years+ provide more than 20hrs unpaid care per week
How do we spend the £4.5 billion …
Current service provision by service type
Current service provision by age group % 88% 60%
The challenge of change – more HOW than WHAT? WHAT: A new philosophy of care – partnership and co- production A shift of focus – enablement, empowerment, responsibility A shift of resources – from institution to community A conducive infrastructure to promote rather than prevent integration
HOW Build an enduring consensus for the long haul Clarity of ambition – what will success look like? A decommissioning strategy – will impact on the acute sector A commissioning strategy – coherent service redesign and development Mutually reinforcing national and local strategies Building Community Capacity – the ‘spine’ for re- shaping care
HOW – THE CHANGE FUND £70 million for 2011/12 [circa £300 million over 4 yrs] Subject to Change Plans – developed/agreed by Council/Health Board/3 rd sector/Independent Sector To invest in community based provision – preventative and anticipatory To impact on Core Budgets to promote de- commissioning To promote effective partnership working
Reshaping Care for Older People – A Programme for Change Publish on 4 March 2011 Our commitments: Double proportion of spend on care at home – from 6.7% to 13.5% Build capacity of community/3 rd sector to support/grow “supported self care” Change Fund introduced - £300m over 4 yrs Reduce unnecessary variation – potential to take out 11% of hospital beds Reduce bed days for 75+ due to emergency admissions by 10% by 2015 No discharge direct from hospital to care home All over 75+ to be offered a telecare package based on assessed need
COMMUNITY CAPACITY AND CO-PRODUCTION WORKSTREAM (1) >Values the capacity, skills, knowledge connections and potential in a community…sees citizens and communities as co-producers of health and well being (and) instead of doing things for people shares power and helps a community to do things for itself’ (Improvement and Development Agency, 2010)
COMMUNITY CAPACITY AND CO-PRODUCTION WORKSTREAM (2) >Older People are an asset not a burden >Community capacity building is working with the voluntary and community sectors to build a philosophy of care based on co-production principles and to develop new community driven models of care provision. >A partnership between those providing care and support and those providing it.
COMMUNITY CAPACITY AND CO-PRODUCTION WORKSTREAM (3) >Success has as much to do with shifting attitudes and expectations as it has about shifting resources, care institutions, providers and workforces. >Change Fund/ Change Plan – Opportunity and Challenge!
OUR ROLE >General Support for Partnerships >Developing the Knowledge and Evidence base >Building Networks and Communities of Practice >Sharing Good Practice >Signposting/Developing Guidance >Link to Scottish Government
Contact Details Scottish Government leads for Community Capacity Building & Co-production >Gerry Power >Andrew Jackson
Co-production >Delivering public services in an equal and reciprocal relationship between professionals, people using services, their families and their neighbours. Where activities are co-produced in this way, both services and neighbourhoods become far more effective agents of change. National Endowment for Science, Technology & the Arts (NESTA) & New Economics Foundation (NEF)