Suzanne Moellendorf, GSI Water Solutions, Inc. Mike Miller, City of Florence Dennis Nelson, GSI Water Solutions, Inc. Dave Livesay, GSI Water Solutions, Inc.
Siuslaw Estuary Partnership (SEP) Interdisciplinary team of 19 local, state, and federal agencies Objectives: Protect water quality and quantity Protect and restore wetlands and riparian areas Protect and restore key estuary wetlands Plan for ecological growth Use collaboration and scientific investigation Foster public education and stewardship 3-Year project funded by project partners and EPA
Why form the SEP? Unique features of the Lower Siuslaw watershed North Florence Sole- Source Dunal Aquifer Designated a sole source aquifer by EPA Only sole source aquifer in Oregon Rapid infiltration rates Shallow water table Hydrologic connection Study Area Map. (Project Overview 2010)
Why form the SEP? Water Contamination Concern Surface activity Example: Dunes City Management and Planning Needs Current and future drinking water sources Lack of water quality and quantity data (excluding the municipal well field) Projected Maximum Day Demands for the City of Florence City Limits and UGB (City of Florence Water Management and Conservation Plan 2010).
SEP’s Water Quality & Quantity Monitoring Program SAMPLING Well sites chosen by zoning Commercial & industrial Hwy 101 corridor Residential – Sewer Residential – Septic Stream sites chosen to evaluate water as it progresses downstream
SEP’s Water Quality & Quantity Monitoring Program SAMPLING In-situ Water Temperature pH Conductivity Dissolved Oxygen Oxidation Reduction Potential (GW) Turbidity (SW) Static water level (GW) Stream Discharge (SW) *SW=Surface water only *GW=Groundwater only Lab Total coliform/E. coli Total Phosphates Nitrate Alkalinity Total Organic Carbon Common Ions Zinc & Copper (SW) Lead (SW) VOCs IOCs Glyphosate/2,4-D Caffeine
SEP’s Water Quality & Quantity Monitoring Program SAMPLING Sampling Frequency October 2010-November 2012, Monthly & Storm Events Staff Training Provided by DEQ, OWRD, Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua & Siuslaw Indians, and GSI Data Management For stream data: DEQ Volunteer Monitoring Program Technical support QA/QC support and verification Data accessible to the public
PRELIMINARY RESULTS: Groundwater Depth to Water Table
PRELIMINARY RESULTS: Groundwater Water Table Elevation Contours (feet above sea level) Contours vary from ft in 20 ft intervals Individual #s at well site = water table elevation at site Red arrows show approximate groundwater flow direction Contours and directions will likely change seasonally
PRELIMINARY RESULTS: ParameterDateResult Nitrates 10/18/ /22/2010 Detected in 1 Well* (B- 2) 2/28 & 3/1 2011Not Detected Caffeine2/28/2011Detected in 1 Well (B-3) E. coli 11/22/2010Detected in 1 Well (B-2) 1/6 & 1/ /1 & 2/ /28 & 3/ /4 & 4/ /2 & 5/ Not Detected Groundwater: Summary of Lab Results *Well B-2 did not pump properly on 10/18/10.
PRELIMINARY RESULTS: Surface water Summary of Surface Water Lab Results: E.coli: Detections below level of concern No other detections Streamflow in Munsel Creek Temperature
How to Use the Information To develop sustainable water management practices What is “Sustainable?” Amount of water that goes out = Amount of water that goes in Contamination is not exacerbated To address any sources of contamination Possible sources: Private septic systems: North of the City of Florence within UGB Stormwater Commercial/Industrial chemical use and disposal Fuel storage tanks Pesticides and fertilizers
How to Use the Information To build a water quality/quantity data record Compare data over time To identify any changes of concern To note any suspected effects of climate change To develop a Groundwater Flow model To evaluate interaction between groundwater and surface water To identify capture zones for future municipal supply wells To determine habitat protection and/or enhancement needed for fish and wildlife To plan for potential future impacts of climate change To educate the community
Climate Change Potential impacts Sea level rise Land inundation Saltwater intrusion Making wells unusable (Freeze and Cherry 1979) Areas Potentially impacted by sea level rise. (Weiss, Overpeck and Strauss 2010)
Climate Change Potential impacts Change in precipitation patterns Increase in winter, decrease in summer Increase in air and water temperature Increase in storm intensity and frequency Potential strategies Continue water monitoring Develop a Source Water (Aquifer) Protection plan Maintain and restore wetlands and riparian areas Integrate potential climate change impacts into infrastructure planning
Tsunami Land inundation Water quality impacts
SEP as a Model for Others Collaboration: City, Tribes, Agencies, Stakeholders… Public Outreach & Involvement Open Houses Website & mailings Community Stakeholder Group Elected Officials Stakeholder Group Youth workshops & field trips Science-based Data collection and analysis Holistic: Groundwater and Surface waters
Funding Opportunities EPA Boise State University Directory of Watershed Resources u/watershed League of Oregon Cities Network of Oregon Watershed Councils Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board
For more information: Siuslaw Estuary Partnership website Suzanne Moellendorf, GSI Water Solutions, Inc ext. 204 References Freeze, R.A. and J.A.Cherry Groundwater. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs. Pg 376. Siuslaw Estuary Partnership Project Overview and Study Area Map. Weiss, J.L., J.T. Overpeck, and B. Strauss Implications of recent sea level rise science for low-elevation areas in coastal cities of the conterminous U.S.A. Climate Change DOI. Also in the Siuslaw Estuary Partnership’s Climate Change Report, Munsel Greenway Park