For Producer use only. Not for use with clients.
add DI to your practice: here are some ideas! Paul Wesling, Senior Vice President, DI Product Management Tom Hajny, Cornerstone Financial Group Chris Vaccaro, Capstone Financial Jim Coyle, Dallas DI Center DI 1621
For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. disclosures DInamic Foundation (Forms 4501NC and 4502GR) and DInamic Fundamental ® (Form 4504LS) are issued by Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. In New York, DInamic Foundation (Forms 5501-NC and GR) and DInamic Fundamental ® (Form 5504-LS) are issued by Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. of New York. Policies may vary and may not be available in all states. This seminar is for informational purposes only. The speakers and presenters appearing at this seminar are solely responsible for the content of their presentations and may not necessarily represent the opinions of Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. (Ameritas Life), or any of its affiliates. Neither Ameritas Life nor any of their representatives are in the business of giving tax, legal, or accounting advice. Attendees should consult with their own accounting, tax, or legal professionals to determine action appropriate for their unique situation. This information is provided by Ameritas ®, which is a marketing name for subsidiaries of Ameritas Mutual Holding Company, including, but not limited to, Ameritas Life Insurance Corp., Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. of New York and Ameritas Investment Corp., member FINRA/SIPC. Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. is not licensed in New York. Each company is solely responsible for its own financial condition and contractual obligations. For more information about Ameritas ®, visit Ameritas ® and the bison design are registered service marks of Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. Fulfilling life ® is a registered service mark of Ameritas Holding Company. ©2014 Ameritas Mutual Holding Company
For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. sales Paul Wesling Senior Vice President, DI Product Management
For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. DInamic Fundamental Marketing Opportunity © 2012 Munich American Reassurance Company
For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. DInamic Fundamental Simple Affordable Attainable
For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. simple Single definition of disability Pays benefit in a lump sum No riders
For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. product design Guaranteed Renewable to Age 65 Premium paying and coverage periods to Age 65 Issue ages (attained age) $18,000 minimum annual income Zero-day elimination period Benefit amount is one times annual earnings, rounded to the next $5,000 Insured must survive disability for at least 30 days Insured can elect less than one times earnings. Annual earnings include: Salary, bonuses, commissions and other monetary compensation (net of expenses for business owners and self-employed individuals). $25,000 minimum benefit $100,000 maximum benefit
For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Definition of Total Disability Inability, due to sickness or injury, to perform any reasonable occupation based on education, training and experience; and Total disability is expected to last at least 365 days* A single, lump sum benefit (or six equal monthly benefit payments) is payable when an insured meets the definition of total disability outlined above No benefit is payable for residual/partial disabilities product design * Payable after 30 day survival period once it’s determined that a disability is expected to last 365 continuous days.
For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. Occupational Classes Actual duties performed in all occupations should be considered when determining the eligibility and occupational class for applicants -Class 1L -An eligible occupation consisting of 50% or less manual duties -Class 2L -An eligible occupation consisting of more than 50% manual duties product design
For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. sales process
For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. affordable © 2012 Munich American Reassurance Company
For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. attainable Simplified underwriting No blood/urine, no exams, no APS’s No ratings
For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. DInamic Fundamental Tom Hajny Cornerstone Financial Group Redmond, WA
For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. association marketing What does this provide to you? Ready market Marketing support to gain appointments Referral base Tangible advantage to the members and the association Ongoing relationship if you are smart and work it correctly
For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. tools for association marketing Materials available to you: Association Marketing Agent Guide Pre-approach letter PowerPoint Presentation for use with executive director and board members Announcement Letter Press Release Ad slicks Postcards
For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. association discussion Chris Vaccaro Capstone Financial Placerville, CA
For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. guaranteed standard issue (gsi) What are the advantages to you? Minimal underwriting Ease of gathering necessary group information Annual reenrollments and growth of eligible classes What are the advantages to the employer and the employees? Discounted unisex rates Can supplement existing group LTD plans or provide disability coverage where no LTD plan exists Can be used as a perk to recruit, reward, or retain key employees
For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. group LTD and GSI plan case study Group LTD Plan - 60% to $10,000 - covering base salary only Four employees: w Non-executive - $50,000 salary w Exec 1 - $100,000 salary/$20,000 bonus w Exec 2 - $200,000 salary/$50,000 bonus w Exec 3 - $300,000 salary/$75,000 bonus Percent of Total Income Replacement (Pre-tax) Highest income earners receive lowest percentage of benefit. This common problem is called reverse discrimination.
For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. net income replaced group LTD benefit only This is an example of employer-paid Group LTD plan that covers 60% of base income to a maximum of $10,000. The benefit is taxable. Base Annual Income Total Income with Bonus Gross Monthly LTD Benefit Net Monthly LTD Benefit* % Net Income Replaced* $50,000 $2,500$1,87545% $100,000$120,000$5,000$3,75038% $200,000$250,000$10,000$7,50036% $300,000$375,000$10,000$7,50024% * Tax bracket assumptions: 25%
For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. net income replaced SI supplementing group LTD Employer-paid LTD with supplemental Individual Disability Income Insurance – assumes GSI offer up to $8,000/month benefit Total Income with Bonus Net Monthly LTD Benefit * Individual DI GSI Benefit (tax-free) Combined Net Monthly Benefit % Net Income Replaced* $50,000$1,875$1,030$2,90570% $120,000$3,750$2,850$6,60066% $250,000$7,500$5,900$13,40064% $375,000$7,500$8,000$15,50050% * Tax bracket assumptions: 25%
For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. guaranteed standard issue (gsi) Jim Coyle Dallas DI Center Dallas, TX
For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. questions?
For Producer use only. Not for use with clients. thank you!