エキゾチックな チャームハドロン・原子核 安井繁宏 KEK JAEA


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Presentation transcript:

エキゾチックな チャームハドロン・原子核 安井繁宏 KEK JAEA

Contents 1. Introduction 2. Charmed Nuclei with D mesons 3. Other Charmed Nuclear Systems 4. Experiments 5. Summary

proton neutron Strangeness 1. Introduction Hyperons (Λ, Σ, Ξ,...) K meson cf. Λ(1405) Nucleus

proton neutron 1. Introduction Hyperons (Λ, Σ, Ξ,...) K meson cf. Λ(1405) Stangeness Nucleus

1. Introduction

What are charm/bottom nuclei? Nucleus proton neutron Charm/Bottom 1. Introduction

Charm/Bottom Nucleus proton neutron Dover-Kahana (1977) Iwao (1977) Gatto-Paccanoni (1978) Bando-Bando (1982)... Baryons Λ c, Σ c, Λ b, Σ b, … What are charm/bottom nuclei? 1. Introduction

Nucleus proton neutron Charm/Bottom Mesons hidden : η c, J/ψ, η b, Υ, … open : D, D*, B, B*, … What are charm/bottom nuclei? 1. Introduction

Nucleus proton neutron Charm/Bottom Mesons hidden : η c, J/ψ, η b, Υ, … open : D, D*, B, B*, … Brodsky-Schmidt-Teramond (1990) Luke-Manohar-Savage (1992) Yokokawa-Sasaki-Hatsuda- -Hayashigaki (2006) Kawanai-Sasaki (2010)... What are charm/bottom nuclei? 1. Introduction

Nucleus proton neutron This is our subject! Charm/Bottom Mesons hidden : η c, J/ψ, η b, Υ, … open : D, D*, B, B*, … What are charm/bottom nuclei? 1. Introduction

Questions 1. Do charmed nuclei exist? 2. What is the real ground state of nuclear many body systems? Strangeness nuclei are more “stable” than normal nuclei. How about charmed nuclei? 3. How do nuclei change by strangeness and/or charm? strangeness → SU(3) flavor chiral symmetry : SU(3) f charm → SU(2) spin symmetry : SU(2) f × SU(2) spin 4. Could charmed nuclei exist in the universe? Or are they “artificial“ nuclei produced only by us? (à la artificial matter like new materials in nano-science!) 1. Introduction

2. Charmed Nuclei with D mesons

N D (B) ?? Q. What is the interaction between D (B) and N ? 2. Charmed Nuclei with D mesons

NK KN SU(3) ND DN NB BN Weinberg-Tomozawa SU(4)SU(5) Lutz-Kolomeitsev (2004), Hoffmann-Lutz (2005), Mizutani-Ramos (2006), Gamermann- Oset-Strottman-Vacas (2007), Haidenbauer-Krein-Meissner-Sibirtsev (2007), Tolos- Molina-Gamermann-Gracia-Reico-Nieves-Oset-Ramos (2010)... Strangeness, Charm, Bottom, Charmed Nuclei with D mesons

DB K K* D* B* 400 MeV 140 MeV 45 MeV D* and B* are new ingredients! Chiral SymmetryHeavy Quark Symmetry 500 MeV1870 MeV5280 MeV K* is almost irrelevant in dynamics. pseudo- scalar vector Strangeness, Charm, Bottom, Charmed Nuclei with D mesons

NK KN  Weinberg-Tomozawa One pion exchange potential (OPEP) ND DN NB BN One pion is absent. (short range force) One pion is present. (long range force) KN interaction D(B)N interaction  Strangeness, Charm, Bottom,... S. Y. and K. Sudoh, PRD80, (2009) 2. Charmed Nuclei with D mesons

NK KN  Weinberg-Tomozawa One pion exchange potential (OPEP) ND D*N NB B*N One pion is absent. (short range force) One pion is present. (long range force) KN interaction D(B)N interaction  Strangeness, Charm, Bottom,... S. Y. and K. Sudoh, PRD80, (2009) 2. Charmed Nuclei with D mesons

NK KN  Weinberg-Tomozawa One pion exchange potential (OPEP) ND* DN NB* BN One pion is absent. (short range force) One pion is present. (long range force) KN interaction D(B)N interaction  Strangeness, Charm, Bottom,... S. Y. and K. Sudoh, PRD80, (2009) 2. Charmed Nuclei with D mesons

NK KN  Weinberg-Tomozawa One pion exchange potential (OPEP) ND* N NB* N One pion is absent. (short range force) One pion is present. (long range force) KN interaction D(B)N interaction  Strangeness, Charm, Bottom,... S. Y. and K. Sudoh, PRD80, (2009) 2. Charmed Nuclei with D mesons

with G. Burdman and J.F. Donoghue (1992) M.B. Wise (1992) T.-M. Yan, H.-Y. Cheng, C.-Y. Cheung, G.-L. Lin, Y.C. Lin and H.-L. Yu (1997) vector + pseudoscalar One pion exchange potential (OPEP) Heavy Quark Symmetry D(*)D(*) D(*)D(*) N N One-Pion-Exchange Potential  P=D, B S. Y. and K. Sudoh, PRD80, (2009) 2. Charmed Nuclei with D mesons

N D (B) ?? Q. Are there bound states of D (B) and N ? D(cq)-N(qqq) B(bq)-N(qqq) * No annihilation process 2. Charmed Nuclei with D mesons

Classification of states |state> = |PN>+ |P*N> P=D (cq), B (bq) J P =1/2 - (I=0 or 1) |PN; 2 S 1/2 > + |P*N; 2 S 1/2 > + |P*N; 4 D 1/2 > N P s-wave 01/2 N P* s-wave 11/2 N P* d-wave 11/2 + + * No annihilation process Strong tensor attraction mixing s- and d-waves Cf. s-wave and d-wave tensor mixing in deuterons J P =3/2 - (I=0 or 1) → Similar, but no bound state S. Y. and K. Sudoh, PRD80, (2009) 2. Charmed Nuclei with D mesons

J P =1/2 -, I=0 strong tensor coupling wave functions obtained by variational method DN ( 2 S 1/2 ) D*N ( 4 D 1/2 ) D*N ( 2 S 1/2 ) DN B.E. [MeV] 3.0 r [fm] Charmed Nuclei with D mesons

BN bound state 100 MeV KN (pentaquark?) threshold 100 MeV cqqqqbqqqqsqqqq StrangenessCharmBottom DN bound state |DN; I=0> = |D - p> + |D 0 n> + |D* - p> + |D* 0 n> K+K+ π - p weak decay D*→Dπ is closed. DN and BN bound states J P =1/2 - (I=0) 3 MeV K + ND + N B + N 2. Charmed Nuclei with D mesons

Λ(1405) KN πΣ 1433 MeV 1330 MeV ΞN ΛΛ 2255 MeV 2230MeV H dibaryon BN 6217 MeV BN state DN 2807 MeV DN state B.E. 100 MeV B.E. 3 MeV 2. Charmed Nuclei with D mesons

Λ(1405) KN πΣ 1433 MeV 1330 MeV ΞN ΛΛ 2255 MeV 2230MeV H dibaryon BN 6217 MeV BN state DN 2807 MeV DN state K nuclei Hypernuclei Charm/Bottom nuclei B.E. 100 MeV B.E. 3 MeV 2. Charmed Nuclei with D mesons

A=2 charmed (bottom) nucleus ? D (B) N N Q. Are there exotic nuclei with D (B) ? 2. Charmed Nuclei with D mesons

DNN and BNN systems D(*)D(*) N N Classification of states J P =0 - J P =1 - I=1/2 I=3/2 I=1/2 I=3/2 |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > + |D*(NN) S=1,I=0 > |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > |D(NN) S=1,I=0 > + |D*(NN) S=1,I=0 > +|D*(NN) S=0,I=1 > |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > S=1/2 I=0 S=1/2 I=0 S. Y. and K. Sudoh, PRD80, (2009) 2. Charmed Nuclei with D mesons

DNN and BNN systems Classification of states J P =0 - J P =1 - I=1/2 I=3/2 I=1/2 I=3/2 |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > + |D*(NN) S=1,I=0 > |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > |D(NN) S=1,I=0 > + |D*(NN) S=1,I=0 > +|D*(NN) S=0,I=1 > |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > 3/4 1/4 0 1/6 1/4 0 Fraction of (D ( * ) N) S=1/2,I=0 D(*)D(*) N N S=1/2 I=0 S=1/2 I=0 S. Y. and K. Sudoh, PRD80, (2009) 2. Charmed Nuclei with D mesons

DNN and BNN systems Classification of states J P =0 - J P =1 - I=1/2 I=3/2 I=1/2 I=3/2 |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > + |D*(NN) S=1,I=0 > |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > |D(NN) S=1,I=0 > + |D*(NN) S=1,I=0 > +|D*(NN) S=0,I=1 > |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > 3/4 1/4 0 1/6 1/4 0 Fraction of (D ( * ) N) S=1/2,I=0 D(*)D(*) N N S=1/2 I=0 S=1/2 I=0 weak decay K + π - π - + p + p weak decay K + π - π - + d Cf. D - → K + π - π - S. Y. and K. Sudoh, PRD80, (2009) 2. Charmed Nuclei with D mesons

3. Other Charmed Nuclear Systems

J/ψ-nuclei Λ c -nuclei J/ψ-N interaction is always attractive. But the attraction is so weak. There may be bound state for A>10. H c -dibaryon Λ c -N interaction would be attractive. But details are not yet clear. Diquark picture suggests udusuc states. Repulsive instanton interaction is weaker. 3. Other Charmed Nuclear Systems ~

u Hc-dibaryon (udusuc) s c d u u HcHc ΛcΛc d u c Σ + s u u B.E. S=-1 S= MeV MeV S= MeV 3. Other Charmed Nuclear Systems S. H. Lee and S. Y., Eur. Phys. J. C64, 283 (2009)

u s c d u u HcHc ΛcΛc d u c Σ + s u u B.E. S=-1 S= MeV MeV S= MeV Hc-dibaryon (udusuc) 3. Other Charmed Nuclear Systems S. H. Lee and S. Y., Eur. Phys. J. C64, 283 (2009)

u s c d u u HcHc ΛcΛc d u c Σ + s u u B.E. S=-1 S= MeV MeV S= MeV Hc-dibaryon (udusuc) 3. Other Charmed Nuclear Systems S. H. Lee and S. Y., Eur. Phys. J. C64, 283 (2009)

S. H. Lee and S. Y., Eur. Phys. J. C64, 283 (2009) 3. Other Charmed Nuclear Systems

4. Experiments

Factorization Theorem Cross section can be factorized in pQCD: –Inclusive hadron production PDF and FF: Determined using experimental data Amplitude: Calculable in pQCD

Charm Subprocesses for Dbar production –O(  s 2 ) 2→2 tree-level channels in LO well-calculated in perturbation theory in α s J-PARC → pp GSI → pp gg dominance qq dominance NLO → K factor x LO 4. Experiments

Numerical Results Cross section of D-bar production: Total cross section at the energies of J-PARC and GSI-FAIR. J-PARC GSI PANDA, PAX N = 15.5x10 6 /week N = 66.0x10 6 /week N = 0.50x10 6 /week N = 8.33x10 6 /week Yield : N = σ ・ L ・ Br ・ ε L J-PARC = 3.6 x 10 6 nb -1 /week L GSI = 6.3 x 10 4 nb -1 /week Br(D - →K + π - π - ) = from PDG09 ε 〜 0.2 √s=8 GeV √s=10 GeV √s=5.5 GeV √s=14.5 GeV 4. Experiments

Numerical Results D-bar N cross section is estimated as follows. Total cross section at the energies of J-PARC and GSI-FAIR. J-PARC GSI PANDA, PAX N = 23.7x10 3 /week N = x10 3 /week N = 0.75x10 3 /week N = 12.58x10 3 /week π + contact B potential model 4. Experiments

Relativistic heavy ion collisions as sources of multi-particles 4. Experiments

Nucleus RHIC/LHC Relativistic heavy ion collisions as sources of multi-particles 4. Experiments

Nucleus QG P RHIC/LHC Relativistic heavy ion collisions as sources of multi-particles 4. Experiments

Hadron phase QG P RHIC/LHC p, Λ,... π, K,... f 0, a 0,... Λ3HΛ3H Exotics? STAR (2003) STAR (2010) Relativistic heavy ion collisions as sources of multi-particles 4. Experiments

Hadron phase p, Λ,... π, K,... f 0, a 0,... Λ3HΛ3H Exotics? STAR (2003) STAR (2010) RHIC/LHC Relativistic heavy ion collisions as sources of multi-particles 4. Experiments

yields of hadrons from heavy ion colisions ExHIC (Exotics from Heavy Ion Collisions) collaboration S. Cho (Yonsei U.), T. Furumoto (YITP and RIKEN), T. Hyodo (Tokyo Inst. Technology), D. Jido (YITP), C.-M. Ko (Texas A&M U.), S. H. Lee (Yonsei U. and YITP), M. Nielsen (U. de Paulo), A. Ohnishi (YITP), T. Sekihara (YITP and Kyoto U.), K. Yazaki (YITP and RIKEN), S. Y. (KEK) S. Cho et al. (the ExHIC collaboration), arXiv: [nucl-th] 4. Experiments

S. Cho et al. (the ExHIC collaboration), arXiv: [nucl-th] Normal hadron Hadron molecule Multi-quark 4. Experiments

CERN, 2 Dec J. Schukraft 4. Experiments

CERN, 2 Dec J. Schukraft 4. Experiments

CERN, 2 Dec J. Schukraft 4. Experiments

5. Summary ・ Charmed systems are interesting ! ・ Strange Nuclei v.s. Charmed Nuclei SU(3) f v.s. SU(2) f x SU(2) spin ・ Charmed Nuclei D-meson Nuclei ・ Other Charmed Nuclear Systems J/ψ-nuclie, Λc-nuclei, Hc-dibaryons,... ・ Experimetal researches Belle, J-PARC, GSI, RHIC, LHC,...