Geo-Seas e-infrastructure A pan European infrastructure for the management of marine and ocean geological and geophysical data Colin Graham, Dick Schaap & Helen Glaves, (on behalf of the Geo-Seas consortium)
What is Geo-Seas? EU Framework 7 project; part of the Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3) of the Research Infrastructures Programme; 1 st May 2009 until 31 October partner organisations from 17 European maritime countries 26 marine geoscience data centres (Geo-Seas nodes) e-Infrastructure areas ◦ Scientific Data (coherent management and access to data) ◦ Standards (data management, metadata, exchange/delivery formats, delivery methods) e-Infrastructure communities ◦ Geoscience, Oceanography, Environment, Resources, Engineering
Geo-Seas partners Belgium (MUMM) Bulgaria (IO-BAS) Denmark (GEUS) Estonia (EGK) France (IFREMER, BRGM, CNRS, SHOM) Germany (BSH, BGR) Greece (IGME,NOA) Italy (OGS) Ireland (GSI, UCC) Lithuania (LIGG) Latvia (LU) Netherlands (MARIS, TNO, EU-Consult) Norway (NGU) Poland (PGI) Portugal (INETI) Spain (IGME, UB) United Kingdom (NERC, CEFAS, CIRIA)
Geo-Seas Objectives Creation of a unified marine geoscientific data infrastructure across Europe (data grid) Facilitate the location, accessing and delivery of federated marine geological and geophysical datasets Develop interoperability with other data types = integrated multidisciplinary science Underpin key European Directives such as INSPIRE and framework programmes e.g. GEOSS and GMES
Geological and geophysical datasets Raw data – Observational eg. samples, geophysical data – Analytical data eg. geochemistry, particle size Derived data products – maps
Geo-Seas methodology Adopt pre-existing SeadDataNet methodologies to interconnect the geological and geophysical data centres Identification of products and services required by users of marine data through analysis of responses to online questionnaire. Use of pre-existing data standards and metadata sets Development of a common index of data products and services Harmonisation of data formats and exchange formats
Geo-Seas methodology Adopt pre-existing SeadDataNet methodologies to interconnect the geological and geophysical data centres Identification of products and services required by users of marine data through analysis of responses to online questionnaire. Use of pre-existing data standards and metadata sets Development of a common index of data products and services Harmonisation of data formats and exchange formats
Geo-Seas methodology Adopt pre-existing SeadDataNet methodologies to interconnect the geological and geophysical data centres Identification of products and services required by users of marine data through analysis of responses to online questionnaire. Use of pre-existing data standards and metadata sets Development of a common index of data products and services Harmonisation of data formats and exchange formats
Geo-Seas metadata EuroCore EU Marsin EuroSeismic EU SeaSed Geo-Seas ISO compliant SEISCAN SEISCANEX
Geo-Seas methodology Adopt pre-existing SeadDataNet methodologies to interconnect the geological and geophysical data centres Identification of products and services required by users of marine data through analysis of responses to online questionnaire. Use of pre-existing data standards and metadata sets Development of a common index of data products and services Harmonisation of data formats and exchange formats
Geo-Seas methodology Adopt pre-existing SeadDataNet methodologies to interconnect the geological and geophysical data centres Identification of products and services required by users of marine data through analysis of responses to online questionnaire. Use of pre-existing data standards and metadata sets Development of a common index of data products and services Harmonisation of data formats and exchange formats
Key Geo-Seas outcomes Improve ability of users to locate and access federated marine geological and geophysical data and data products Improved interoperability of geological and geophysical data with other data and data products Provision of middleware allowing use geological and geophysical data in combination with other data in a multidisciplinary way.
Key Geo-Seas outcomes Increased interoperability between disciplines, organisations and countries. Also with other key European framework projects e.g EMODNet and One Geology- Europe Underpinning European directives such as INSPIRE as well as recent global and European frameworks e.g. Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) and Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) by promoting the sharing of marine geological and geophysical data using an integrated approach
Questions? Data provided by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency